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Nicholas Simmons

"Yo what the fuck is your problem?," I asked as I rolled my eyes. "My problem? Nigga I don't have a problem. Worry about you getting yo- just leave nick." Tay snapped. "You in-" "I said, leave." He cut me off. "Fuck you. And your goons," I said as I walked out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

I got played. I got fucking played. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed symere's number.

"Hello?" He said. "Com—" as I was about to speak, Taymor interrupted. "I'll call you back," I said before hanging up. "The fuck you want Tay?" I asked.  He sighed. "I'm sorry...ight,"  he said. "Fuck you and yo apologies," I snapped as I began to walk off. Tay snatched my arm. "What the fuck do you wa—" I was cut off by him kissing me, slipping in his tongue while he was at it. I hesitantly kissed back, lightly wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled away and smirked. "Happy?" He said. I kissed my teeth, "Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes. "Tay why do you treat me like that in front of them?" I asked. "I- I don't know.." he said. "Well until you can explain," I paused, caressing his cheek, "I'm gone." I said as I gave him one last kiss before walking off. "But nick..." He said as I cut him off. "Tay... fix your situation before trying to be with me. That last thing I'd want is for shit to be even more complicated," I said as I walked down the street where symere was parked.

I got in and symere looked at me. "I did it. He needs his space to decide because one thing I refuse to do is be his bitch." I said. "As you should," symere agreed. "Oh and don't be too loud. Jarad is in the ba-" "nigga I'm not sleep," he said. "Well damn, I was just trying to help," symere said, kissing his teeth. Jarad rolled his eyes. "Look maybe Tay does need space. And you do too because I know damn well dick ain't make up for those five years he made you life hell." Jarad ranted. "Well..." I trailed off. "It couldn't be.." symere chuckled. "It was." I said. They both bursted into laughter and I joined in as we pulled into the parking lot of Waffle House.

Taymor Mclyntre

I fucked up. And I fucked up big time.

I regret treating him like that. All those years.

It's not like I love him... I don't. I just.. fuck I can't explain it.

"Look What the fuck y'all made me do. Happy?" I said to the group. "Awe they making you sus," they snickered. "You know what, get out." I said lowly. " We good luv." They said. "Get. Out." "No." Glitzy argued. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT AIGHT?!" I yelled/snapped. They all got up, shaking their heads one by one. Once they were gone, I slammed the door shut and just started punching anything in sight.

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck." I yelled in between punches. I have to fix this. And fast.

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