Chapter 8

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After that, I just feel numb. I don't know for how much longer I was in there for, but when I got out, the guys weren't in the other room.

"Where do you live? I can drop you off," Ally offers.

"It's fine, I'll walk home." I lie, grabbing my other shirt, I left the tee I got on, it's comfy.

She gives me a sympathetic look, "Ok, but if you ever need something, give me a call." She says handing me sheet of ripped off paper with some scribbled numbers.

I smile a thanks to her, and walk outside, where only hours before, I was sitting, waiting to be let in. I sigh, heavy hearted, and start my walk.

But I only get two blocks, before I'm starting to feel light headed again. I force myself to walk another block, before I sit against an alley wall. I bring my knees up to my chest, my vision is fading in and out of focus. My eyes feel heavy, like a thousand pound weight is pulling them down.

The alleyway starts to go black and then it comes back, the last thing I see is Austin, kneeling in front of me, his eyes scared, and a frown on his lips. Why do I always make him frown…

<<A.N. Short, yes, but I will upload again. Please vote. thanks luvs>>

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