Chapter 7

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The show is over and people are already leaving, but I want to meet the rest of the band still, just not Alan, he'd drag me back and then I would have to talk about all that shit. By the time I got to the line, I was twenty people or so from the end. I took notice that Alan was in fact not there, and I was glad. I know he's a good guy, I don't want to bother the band with my problem. It was my fault. By the time I was at the front of the line, my calf only throbbing slightly. I got through the whole line, Tino, Phil, Aaron, and finally Austin. He smiles that smile I've only seen through a screen on the phone before now, and I'm melting.

"Hey! Thanks for coming and supporting us tonight! It means tons!" He radiates.

I giggle, "Could you sign the back of my phone? Please?" I ask shyly, trying not to intrude.

He laughs at my slight awkwardness. "Yea, no problem. Hey weren't you the girl screaming with me?"

I feel my smile grow, "Yea, I love screaming, although my throat dries quickly."

He simpers as he finishes signing my phone, "Practice more, it gets easier with time."

"I shall," I say weirdly.

I reach to grab my phone, but Austin's hand grabs my arm. I look at him surprised, to see his face contorted in angst. I followed his eyes it to my cut and bruised wrist. Before I could stop him, he slides it up to my elbow, revealing all the cuts and burns. I see Alan out of the corner of my eye and he spots me.

"Hey! You!"

I look at Austin in the eyes, "Thank you for saving me."

I ripped my arm from him, grabbed my phone, and walked away briskly. But I probably looked stupid, hobbling slightly. I hear them yelling at me to come back, but I ignore them and try to get away as fast as possible. I'm outside of the venue and down an alleyway when a hand grabs my upper arm. I thrash and try to pull away, but their hand is right on my bruise so it's already hurting like fuck. I turn around and hit them in the gut and get free. No matter how much my calf hurts right now, I'm running.

I hear them catch up to me after a block. I try to run down another alleyway, but they pin me up against the wall. I hear him panting and try to free my wrists, but his grasp it too strong. Attempting to bring my knee up, they step closer and press against me so I'm immobile. In defeat, I hang my head and try to catch my breath. The man rests his head against the wall next to my own head. I tense up and try to slowly get out.

"Don't try. I don't want to try to catch you again, or get punched. Please let me help." I hear him breath raggedly in my ear. He pulls his head back and I feel even worse. Austin's eyes are sagged with sadness, and pain etches in his face. That means, that I had punched the Austin Carlile and pulled him away from the other fans. I looked back at  the ground in shame, I keep on ruining peoples lives. He places his index finger under my chin to make me look at him in the eye.

"Can you come back with me, please. You need to get at least you leg checked up on." He pleads, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I sigh and slightly nod. He grabs my hand carefully and pulls me back towards the venue. Half way back, my leg starts to give out from the effort at running earlier. Austin wraps his arm around my waist and let's me lean into his side for support. I haven't told him that I'm also starting to feel light headed, but I'm still standing so I guess I'm ok.

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