Chapter 6

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With 10 minutes before the doors open, I let myself relax. The lights glisten and lite the air. Girls and guys sit in their groups chatting about what songs they think they'll play or if Austin will crowd surf this time. As we start to file in, I’m and instructed which seat my ticket had claimed for me. I’m right at the stage, in the corner of the walk out and main stage, a band nerds dream. My hearts racing faster and faster as the time closes down to the start of the concert. The next thing I hear, is the guitar of the start to the song Second and Sebring.

Then Aaron jumps right into the song, its not the same without Shayley, since he left two years ago, but it’s still good. When it was nearing Austin's part, I noticed he was not on stage yet. I feel someone pushing past me, and I find Austin smiling at me. My smile stretched across my face and I feel my cheeks heat up. But the next second, he's up on the stage ready for his parts, and I along with him, scream. I can match my scream to almost of the bands, but I can't with Austin or Mitch Lucker’s from Suicide Silence. It's just too unique, but right now I scream, along because it doesn't matter. What matters is the music.

I head bang my neck out and scream my lungs dry, by the end of the fourth song. I drink half of my water bottle and just listen to the next two songs. Then Let Live begins to ring and I'm back at it. After a couple more songs, a huge mosh pit has appeared and the edge of it has been set. Luckily, I'm nowhere near it so I won't get dragged in, but people still are being pushed around all the way by me.

It's near the end of a song, when someone trips into me and their foot slams into my calf. A blinding white light floods my vision, and I fall to my hands and knees, a screech escaping my lips. I grab my calf and try to apply as much pressure as I could to make me pain seethe out, but I bring my hand back covered in blood. I bite my lip hard and try to get up, barely accomplishing that much. I feel my legs start to give out, and the ground seems to be getting closer; but right before I fall to my knees touched the ground, a hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me back up. A burly man was holding my elbow with one hand, and the other was placed on my back.

"Are you ok, mam?" His voice low, and bluntly uncaring.

I nodded my head, and he lets me go immediately, causing me to stumble. Another person grabs me, their arm wrapping around my waist. A flash of ginger hair catches the corner of my eye and I hear a familiar voice say something harsh to the security guy. Alan looks back at me and pick me up bridal style. The hand resting under my knee brushes against the cut and I yelp.

"Sorry," I hear him mutter under his breath. Carrying me the whole way, we eventually came to a room backstage where a lady in a white gown stood. "Ally, she got hurt bad and I think she's bleeding. I have to get back to the set. I'll be back." Alan rambles to the lady and runs off. I look up into her soft hazel eyes, and try to plead for her to let me go, but she makes me pull up my pants leg so she can see the cut.

"When the person shoved me, I landed on top of a broken beer bottle." I lie easily, hoping she isn't too smart, because if that really happened, my jeans would also be cut through. I have so many lame ass excuses for my bruises, cuts, and everything its not even funny anymore. She tells me to stay sitting on the couch while she goes and gets some supply. As soon as she's gone, I pull my pant leg down and get out of there.

<<A.N. Please losing hope... thanks luvs...>>

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