Is this the end?

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Lucy laughed as they approached him. "You really think you can kill me?"
They reached him and plunged their knives into his chest. Lucy smiled as blood poured out of his mouth and down his neck. It stained his collar and the front of his shirt. I grimaced at the sight. Lucy looked down at the knife in his chest as Sophie and Jake backed away. The grabbed the leather hilt of the dagger and pulled it from his chest. He looked at at and ran his finger over the blade then stuck his blood stained finger in his mouth. "Yum" he threw the knife down. Sophie and Jake looked shocked and mad. "Why are you not dead!" Yelled Sophie.
"Dear, dear Sophie. Have you forgotten already? I am the king of Hell. You can't kill me." He laughed.
Jake made an irritated noise.
"What can I do that will make you leave Sophie and Jake alone?" I asked, tears daring to fall.
"No Ember. You can't." Cried Sophie at the same time Jake said "You are our family now, we can't loose you too."
"But I don't want you guys to get hurt."
"Well. Since you offered! You could come with me. I'll leave them alone and we can live a happy life together. You and Me." Interrupted Lucy.
I looked at him with disgust.
"Fine. I'll go with you as long as you never come to this island again. Do you promise?"
"Yes, yes. I promise."
"No, Ember. Please! He won't keep his word. He never does!" Cried Sophie.
"Fine. Let's go."
Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. I glanced back at Sophie and Jake one last time. Their faces betrayed only horror. Then we were gone. And I was back at the cabin on the main land.
"Why can't you just leave me be?" I cried.
"We have been over this. I LOVE YOU."
I turned to face him. "EVIL CANT LOVE!!"
He turned away from me. " it's too late now anyway. You are here and I'm not letting you leave again."
He turned and locked the door and put the key into his pocket. Without another word I turned went down the hall and into my old room and locked that door. He knocked on it. "You can't hide in there forever."
"Watch me"
I walked over to the bed grabbed a stack of books of the shelves and sat back on the bed and read. I read and read and read until my eyes hurt. Lucy cane knocking time after time and each time I ignored him. He spoke to me and I didn't reply. Soon I didn't even know how long I had been in the room. I was hungry and thirsty. But that was okay. Because as soon as I starved to death I would respawn in the cave and then I could run away again. I heard another knock on the door. "Okay that's enough I'm coming in." I heard the lock click and I put down the book.
"I know you are going to kill yourself so you respawn. And I can't let you do that. I'm afraid you are going to have join my trophies. I love you but I can't have you leaving me. Besides, another girl will come along soon enough." I stared at him, confused. He pulled a knife from behind his back and walked over to me. I backed into the wall.
"I truly did love you and I'm sorry I have to do this." He said right before he plunged the knife into my stomach. I clutched the handle and tried to pull it out. It didn't budge. I tried to speak but instead of words I gurgled blood. It poured down my front and all over my clothes. But the knife hadn't gotten any vital organs.... I wouldn't die.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room and into the room at the end of the hall.... he pulled me through the maze of Bodies until we came to a clearing of bodies. I rope dangled down in front of us but I couldn't focus on it. Blood was leaving my body, and fast. Everything was blurry. I tried to plead but I still couldn't speak. He pulled the rope down and pulled it over my head. He smiled at me and grabbed the other end of the rope and pulled. He pulled until my toes could just touch the floor. Then they couldn't. And I was gasping for breath. He tied the rope of. And that was that. I was another trophy in his collection. I was trapped in Hell.... with No escape..... this was the end.... it was over. I watched as he pushed back through the bodies until he was out of sight. I heard the door click shut and lock..... I was as good as dead.... and I was never going to see the light of day again. Or any other humans that were still alive. Maybe the next unfortunate souls will pass through this way. Maybe not.....

The End.

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