F*cked up families.

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"You never told me." Lucy said as he walked back into my room dropping a pile of clothes and books on my desk.
"Never told you what?"
"How you died."
"Oh. Well. I umm.... I jumped off a cliff."
He stared at me for what seemed like an unnecessarily long time. Eventually he said "why?"
"Because is not an answer."
"I was curious."
"Curious? About what exactly?"
"Death. I wanted to know what would happen! And it's a lot better than expected I must say." I laugh.
"So you killed yourself just to see what it was like?" He stared at me with a sad look in his eyes. I felt a little guilty about it. I swallowed.
"Yeah. I did."
"Any other reasons?" He looked at me expectantly.
".... yes. There is one other reason..... my uh Mum. She was an alcoholic and one night she came home drunk and uh... she tried to stab me. She was sent away and I was forced to live with my dad who practically neglected me. I wanted it to be over." I looked down at my shoes not wanting to look him in the eyes.
He crouched down in front of me so I had to look at him.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. But you're here now. And no one is going to hurt you." He smiled up at me. I looked him dead in the eye and said "Why rant you evil? All the story's say you are the evil guy. What happened to you to make you nice?"
"I have a bad story too..... I had a sister. In heaven. When I was an Angel. None of our siblings where kind to her except me. So when I was cast down to Heaven she tried to follow but my siblings they found out.... they cut of her wings and took away her Angelic power and cast her into eternal darkness, otherwise known as the 'void'. Just because she wanted to be with her older brother. The brother that cared about her. When I heard what happened i tried to save her but they had sealed the riff to the void. No one could enter or exit. And I never saw my little sister again..."
When he finished a tear had started to roll down his cheek.
"After that I vowed that I would be kind. I wouldn't be like the stories said. I wouldn't be like who my father thought I was. I was going to be who my little sister thought I was. For her." He looked up at me. I fell to the ground in front of him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He hugged me back. And for what seemed like forever we just sat there on the floor embracing.

When we finally let go of each other we both had tears on our cheeks. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Seems like we both have pretty f*cked up families." I say.
"Yeah, I guess so.... I can't wait to find out more stuff we have in common." He smiled at me wide. "I'll let you get settled in." He started to wipe the tears of his face. I nodded.
"How many sisters did you have?" I asked as he put his hand on the doorknob.
"I had one. But she's gone now."
And with that he opened the door and left. I stared at the door for while before getting up and going through the things he dropped on my desk. Most of the clothes were either black or floral which I found rather strange but they were lovely clothes and all the books where of my favourite genre. It's like he knew exactly what I would like. I look at the door and smile slightly in wonder...

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