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"You were that monsters friend?" I asked.
"Yes. We were. Once upon a time." Said Sophie.
"What did he do to you?"
"Well I died first. And I fell for him, like you, and he was amazing. Until he decided that my trust in him was secure. He showed me the room. And.... I screamed. He tried to get me to see his way. But.... he keeps those people just alive so that they don't respawn in the cave. He keeps them on the verge of death. In all that pain. Because he didn't like them. I didn't have anywhere to go so I stayed with him. Then Jacob, Jake, died and well.... Lucy tried to hang him up too. But I stopped him and we ran away. And when we ran away..... we took his only device that let him travel to the human world. So now he is stuck in Hell. And he is constantly trying to find away out. But he can't. And we made a deal with him that he would leave us in peace and eventually we would give it back. He agreed because he is desperate to cause chaos and pain in the human world. And ever since we took this.... nobody has come to Hell.... except you..... which is strange."
I soaked up the information for a while. Trying to process what she had told me. Lucifer kept people on the verge of death because he didn't like them..... and I fell in love with that monster....
"How can you have kids when your dead?" Was all I said.
Jake laughed.
"Well we didn't know until we tried!" Sophie laughed. "Hell is just like earth really. Just like bother life after death. Except here there is less people. When we ran away we fell in love and Rosey is here."
I looked at the Chubby little girl sitting in the dirt playing with sticks.
"Are you hungry dear?" Sophie asked.
I nodded. She turned and grabbed a bowl and put some sort of stew that was hanging over the fire into the bowl and handed it to me with a spoon. It smelt delicious..... and tasted better.
"Is this Heaven in a bowl in Hell?" I asked.
Jake raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.
Sophie smiled warmly at me.
"When do you plan on giving back the device transport thingy?" I asked.
"It's called the motorage. And we plan on never giving it back. In Hell we can't die. We re-spawn. We try not to because we end back on the main land. And as long as we have it. He can't hurt us. Because if he try's.... we break it." Jake explained.
"Then why don't you just travel to earth with it?"
"Because only someone with impure angel blood can use it. Only Lucifer can use it.... and his sister who is now floating in the void."
"Wait that story was true? I thought he was just trying to get me to feel sorry for him!"
"No. It's true. He did loose his sister because his brothers where, apparently, more evil than him." Sophie said. "I lost my sister. When I died I assumed, because she was always so adventurous. She would have come to Hell. But either I was wrong or Lucy got to her."
Jake walked over to her and embraced her. Rosey went over to join in the hug. Sophie broke away and walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"We can be a family. The four of us." She said her voice muffled by my hair. I smiled and held her tighter. I finally had a family. One I could probably trust. Trust more than any family I had when I was alive anyway. I broke away. And smiled at Sophie with tears in my eyes.
"I'm going to cook dinner with Jake. Why don't you get to know Rosey?" She smiled at me.
I nodded and walked over to Rosey who had gone back to playing with her sticks.
"Hi!" She said with a bright smile.
"Hello Rosey. I'm Ember."
"I know."
I looked at her. "How?"
She looked me dead in the eye and smiled "because it's me!"
I started shuffling away.
Rosey leaned in and whispered in my ear. "It's me, Lucy. And if you don't come back to me..... I will hurt the little baby girl."
I jumped up and backed away.
Lucy, Rosey, whoever it was. Grabbed my hand and said "I'm going to take her for a walk!"
Sophie smiled and nodded.
We set off.
"Come with me and she won't get hurt." He/she purred again.
Possessed Rosey led me down to the beach and we walked along it for a while before a tall tree came into view. I looked up into the tree and screamed.
Because in the tree impaled on a branch was little Rosey. Blood poured out of mouth. Her eyes wide and scared. I looked over and now Lucy, real Lucy, stood there smiling up at the impaled child. I ran. I ran and ran until I got back to the camp.  I fell to my knees. Both pairs of eyes turned to me.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried.
"What's the matter? Where is Rosey?" Asked Sophie.
"I.... he tricked me again. Rosey from before...... was Lucy. A.....and he took me with him and told me he wouldn't hurt Rosey." I chocked.
"Ember.... where is Rosey?...."
"He..... he killed her."
By this time tears where streaming down my cheeks. Sophie fell, Jake ran over to her. Both crying.
"I.... I'm so sorry. I couldn't save her. It was too late."
"It's not your fault Ember." Said Jake.
"I'll kill him. We'll kill him. He killed my little girl. So I will kill him. AND THIS TIME HE'LL STAY DEAD!!!"....

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