Living the afterlife

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When we exit the cave I am blinded with light. I cover my eyes and wait for my eyes to adjust.
"Why is it so fricken bright!?" I ask, annoyed.
He laughs. "Have a look. Hell isn't as bad as you think." I slowly uncover my eyes and have look. My arms drop to my sides as I stare at the paradise in front of me. A beautiful forest is spread out in front of me and we are standing in a small clearing. Light pools around us as I turn in circles I hear water in the distance and start walking in its direction. Lucy follows me. "So this is Hell? This is what I imagined Heaven would be like!" I exclaimed
"Yeah. They're actually opposite. Heaven is rather dark. Not very nice. And Hell is beautiful. All the stories got it wrong." I look at him and laugh. I feel like an idiot smiling as widely as I am. He returns the smile.
I pick up my skirt and tie it up so I can run. Soon a waterfall comes into view. It's stunning. Water pouring from a pool at the top down an estimated 50 meter drop. The sun sparkles off the water blinding me and I turn to Lucy and say "this is incredible! Where do you live?"
He grins and turns and walks back into the forest. Confused, I follow him.

We had been walking for about half an hour when a hill came into view. We walked to the top and stop, on the other side was a cottage. It was small and quaint. "This is where you live?" I ask shocked.
"Yep. This is my home. And yours too now. There aren't any other houses but if you want we can build another for you."
"Na. We can share."
We smile at each other and head down the hill.

The cottage was a light beige colour with a terracotta roof and  vines crawling all over it. Little windows peeked out from the house. Lucy pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped in I followed. Inside was a small kitchen joined to a little living room with floral patterned furniture and a little fireplace that was unlit. All the benches in the kitchen where wooden and there where two doors like the front one leading off the main room. I walked through the first one, a small bathroom was on the other side. Just a basic bathroom with a bathtub, shower, toilet and sink. I left and tried the second door. It led into a hallway that from the outside you wouldn't think would be able to fit in the house. "The house is charmed" Lucy says as he comes up behind me.
"What do you mean?" I ask
"You know, small on the outside, big on the inside."
Ah. That makes sense.
I turn left and go down the hallway. There are 3 doors. One on either side and one at the end. I open the door on the left. It's a plain bedroom. Plain white sheets on a wooden bed frame and matching walls. A small window on the far wall and a heavy looking wood dresser against the wall. I leave and go to the door opposite. Inside it is almost exactly the same except this room had a large bookshelf overflowing with books and clothes thrown all over the bed. "This is my room. I didn't have time to clean up when you arrived" Lucy said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. I had realised this was a habit of his when he was nervous. I smile and go to the door at the end. I try to open it but it's locked. "What's in here?" I ask.
"All in due time." He replies
I look at him curiously.
He grins. "Any way this is your room."  He says as he opens the door to the first bedroom I went into.
"Is there anything you need or want?" He asks. "Books, clothes, toiletries?"
"Umm yeah all those things would be great."
"Okay. You get settled in and I'll be back shortly." He turns and leaves the room shutting the door behind him. I sit down on the bed. This was not what I was expecting. Like, at all. Never in my wildest dreams would I think that Hell could be a... well.... nice place! I look out the window and see a small garden full of flowers and I smile. Lucy was gentle. He wasn't mean and torturous like all the stories say. He's just a shy, teenage boy. I was looking forward to getting to know him better....

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