The Devil is Evil

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His eyes burned into me. I tried to look away but he forced my eyes to meet his. I wrapped my arms around myself.
"You shouldn't run away from me, Ember." He purred. His eyes were hungry. He licked his lips. "I know you love me. You can't deny it."
"I could never love anyone who kills people and hangs them in a room like trophies." I spat. "It's vile."
"Don't say that." He moaned like a whiny child.
I tried to step back and my back hit the book shelf and books came tumbling down on top of me. I swore and heard Lucy do the same. He fell over and I decided to make a run for it. I jumped over him and he reached for me but missed. I ran for the stairs and bolted down them taking them 3 at a time. When I reached the bottom I ran back through the cave and into the woods. I ran left. I hadn't been that way before. I ran and ran and ran taking no notice of my surroundings or if he was following me. I just ran. It was dark out by now and I could barely see where I was going. The firefly's where out but they no longer seemed romantic. They seemed like evil eyes leading at me through the dark. I ran until my legs could run no further. And then I walked. I couldn't stop. I would never stop. I hated him. But who didn't? He was the devil. Nobody could love the devil. Not even the most wicked of the wicked. I walked until my feet hit something soft and grainy.... SAND!!! I looked up. The ocean! He couldn't follow me across the ocean! Could he.....? I ran and jumped in. I was always a good swimmer. I swam and swam and when I could no longer see shore I lay on my back and slowly floated away. I was safe. I was safe for a while.

My eye lids felt heavy and my skirt was dragging me down. But I had to stay awake. Otherwise I would drown and end back in that cave where he could find me. I had to stay awake.....

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as I sat up. A nightmare. It was just a nightmare.... wait. I was in the ocean! Am I back in the cave? Has he already found me? My eyes slowly adjusted and I found myself lying on a beach. I
Couldn't tell if it was the one from the other or not. I stood up and brushed the sand off me. "I must have floated to shore..." I told myself. "Yeah. I Must have."
I looked toward the bush at the top of the dunes and saw them rustle. It wasn't windy.... at all....
"No, no, no, no!! Please no! Lucy! Go away! Just leave me be! You are evil! AH" I fall to my knees and close my eyes hoping he'll leave. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see a small girl in front of me. I scream and jump back. "If that's you Lucy and you can now shapeshift...... just leave me be! I don't want to be part of your game." I cry. The girl just looks at me oddly. She must have been around 4 years old. She had red plump cheeks, arms and legs. She was wearing a little blue and pink floral dress that went to her chubby knees. She had light brown hair in plaits. "Hello." She said in a cute tinkly voice. "I'm Rosey. My mumma and papa are over there. Do you want to meet them?" She held out her chubby hand for me to take. Hesitantly I took it and let her lead me up the dunes and into the bush. We walked for about 5 minutes before we stopped. I saw smoke coming between trees and looked down at Rosey. "This way." She kept walking. Her face was set in a serious frown that looked adorable on her little face. Her big brown eyes set on path ahead. We soon came to a clearing with a fire blazing in the centre. I lady and man sat around at holding hands and chatting. They only looked about 25. When we entered the clearing they jumped up.
"Rosey come here now." Called the lady. Rosey toddled over to her.
"Hi mamma." She said. "This is my mamma" she said looking at me.
The lady grabbed Rosey and backed away.
"Lucy. If this is some kind of joke it's not funny! We just want peace. That's what we had a deal on." Said the lady. She had long brown wavy hair, and eyes that matched her daughters . She was slim but not lanky. She was wearing short green shirts and a black tank top and sneakers. The man was broad and had a rough beared and big blue eyes. He had cropped blonde hair and was wearing black board shorts and a black t-shirt. He glared at me. I backed away slowly.
"I....I'm not Lucy." I stuttered. "I ran away from him.... because I found out what he did.... I swam here."
"Sure... sure. We know your tricks!" Said the man. His voice was rough and deep.
" name is Ember.... Rosey found me on the beach and brought me here. I'm sorry to have caused trouble I'll leave if you want."
The lady's eyes softened a bit. The mans did not.
"What did he do to you?" She asked. Her voice soft and kind.
"Sophie. No! It's probably him." Growled the man.
"Just let her speak." Replied the lady, Sophie. She looked back to me. "Go ahead dear."
"He..... he made me fall in love with him..... t....then I found his room.... at the end of the hall..... with.... the.....the...." I chocked up and couldn't say bodies. My eyes started tearing up and the mans eyes softened as well.
"We believe you. I'm sorry for what he did. He manipulated us too. But we survived. You can stay with us. We know how hard it is." Said the man. "you have already met our daughter, Rosey. This is my partner, Sophie. And my name is Jacob. We were friends of the devils once....."

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