Chapter 13

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2 weeks had passed.

The West Pack, or whatever was left of it, felt lost.

They didn't know Enzo lost his spark.

Enzo couldn't bare going down to greet the pack after the loss of his Spark.

He stayed deep inside his cave, lost himself as to what he should do now.

He knew that Jackson was the second in line since he was an Ultima and he was now a Beta.

See there's a lot more an Ultima is that Enzo didn't tell Orion or Liam...

An Ultima is one of the strongest types of wolves besides the Alpha.

And while slightly stronger, Ultimas, if not trained properly, cannot function as leaders.

They have the ability to morph like Alphas, or become giant wolf-men, along with all the other standard abilities. Roaring, popping claws, advanced healing and pain-taking.

But Ultimas have one particular ability that makes them a threat to Alphas, and why their the right-hand of any pack.

They're roar can extinguish an Alpha's spark.

They can fully destroy and dethrone an Alpha, making them a Beta almost immediately.

Liam didn't know how to do that.

Until He came to this pack.

"...You want me to What now?"

Enzo stood infront of his right hand.

"I want you to teach Liam how to roar. Like you that is."

This was a few weeks ago. Before the Decimation of West Pack.

When Enzo was still an Alpha.

"...W-Why? Are you planning on replacing me, Enzo?"

Enzo's eyes widened. "What? Hell No Jackson, your like a dad to me! I just think it'd be good to have another trained Ultima under us. He'd be a good fighter and hunter if he could tap into his full potential."

Jackson sighed in relief. "Ok...I guess I could try."

"Liam, ROAR!"

Liam gulped and nodded, his eyes shining purple as he roared towards Enzo, the Alpha howling out in pain as his body quickly began to morph back into his human body, his clothes all torn to shreds.

Enzo's eyes glistened their odd color...

Before shining a cold, dead, steel blue.

Enzo didn't blame Liam for what he did.

Liam did what he had to, to protect Orion.

Enzo would've done the same thing.

And He understood that because of his bad decisions in one day, everything cane crumbling down.

West Pack was cut down 90%, and were Alpha-less.

Enzo sighed as he rubbed his face.

It's over...isn't it?...

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