Chapter 5

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Orion fell to her knees, whimpering as tears flooded her eyes.

"You stupid mutt!" Screamed Blayd at her before kicking her in the stomach.

The Omega screeched in pain as she held her side.

She whimpered as Blayd's red eyes shined.

"Your making me look're making me act like I're making me look weak!" He screamed at her before grabbing her and throwing her against a tree.

"And because of that...Because of you...ILL LOSE MY RATIONS! ALL BECAUSE OF A FUCKING DRAG!"

Blayd roared at her, lifting his hand up and popping his claws.

His teeth became sharp as his eyes shined bright red. His ears pointy, and sideburns grew on him.

Just before he could end the Omega's life, a hand wrapped around his forearm.

Blayd's red eyes widened as he was flung back like a rag doll.

Orion cried and whimpered, bloodied and beaten as someone walked over to her.

They grabbed her hand and cupped her cheek gently, making black veins pop in their arms.

Before she knew it, the pain was gone and she sat up, looking up at her savior.

The Savior with odd eyes.

Enzo slowly turned to Blayd, his blue and red eyes glowing brightly.


"...E-Enzo, I-"

"Save it. Your not getting our rations, not help from my pack."


Enzo frowned as he gently picked Orion up.

Jackson and Liam came running behind him, panting.

"You can't just do that!" Cried Blayd.

"Yeah. I can." Replied Enzo, coldly.

"You've always been Corrupt. You've always been selfish. Egotistical. Always thinking about yourself." He Spoke, walking over to Jackson and handing Orion over gently.

Blayd gritted his fangs.

"...And you've always been Half-Caste." Growled Blayd. Enzo took a deep breath and sighed, making a fist.

Blayd slowly got up, growling. "A Half-Breed. An Amalgam!" He roared, his eyes shining red, While Enzo remained quiet.

"But most of all...You're a bastard. A bastard with nothing left but the ashes of sick Alpha." Spat Blayd, his claws popped and his teeth gritted.

Enzo took a deep breath in, and let a deep sigh out.

"...How Many defenses is an Alpha supposed to make in a day without being reprimanded by the Council?" Asked Enzo, towards Jackson.

"..." Enzo sighed. "Not enough to stop you from doing this."

Enzo chuckled before looking back at Blayd, his eyes shining their odd color, his side burns growing out completely, and his teeth forming into fangs.

"Create the Cage." Growled Enzo as Jackson nodded, handing Orion to Liam as the two Betas watched Jackson pulled out a small wooden jar.

The Alpha's Abused Omega[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now