Chapter 7

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After morning arrived, The Pack marched and hiked their way back to the West Pack's Cave.

Once they arrived, Jackson quickly grabbed Enzo and took him deep inside the cave.

Enzo groaned, panting and being put down.

He sighed as he leaned his head back slightly.

Jackson furrowed his brows.

"You ok?.."

Enzo sighed and shook his head no.

"...I haven't felt like that in a long time..." Spoke Enzo.

"...Like how?" Questioned Jackson, crossing his arms.

Enzo rubbed his face.


Jackson smiled slightly. "...Your still strong." He put his hand on Enzo's head.

"Now get dressed. We have a pack to train, and an Ultima and Omega to orientate."

Enzo sighed and nodded, standing up.

He slowly changed clothes and stepped out in some light clothes for working out.

"I'll work with Liam and Orion. Please take care of the pack."

Jackson nodded and howled, taking the pack to hunt while Enzo shined his eyes their odd color towards Liam and Orion.

They looked up, Liam's eyes shining Purple and Orion's Golden yellow.

They nodded and walked up to the Alpha.

As his shine faded away, the 2 wolves stood infront of him.

"Well...we need to talk."

The 2 nodded quietly as they entered the cave.

As they looked around their eyes widened.

Inside the cave we're multiple sleeping bags, of variating sizes, with pillows and 2 big chests at the ends of each part. At the end of the cave there was a big bed with some covers there.

Enzo sighed and pulled up some boulders to sit down. Enzo slowly sat down and motioned the wolves to sit down with him.

They did.

"...I want to officially welcome both of you into my Pack...I want to let both of you know that it won't be like your old back...we live by a little honor's called a Triskelion. In short...a Triskele." Enzo reached into his pocket and pulled out 2 coins with the small triskele on it.

"We believe in equal amount of power, strength, and voice. No one gets pushed down or shut up. Nor is anyone preferred in the sense of leadership. We all fight for the same cause and we live as equals. In the end of the day, the color of our eyes doesn't mean anything. We're all wolves." Liam and Orion couldn't help but crack a smile as Enzo handed the coins to them.

"Here...these are yours...take it as a symbol of a welcome. Welcome to the West Pack. Any questions?"

Liam nodded. "...What's a Spark? Who's is 'The Council', what's an Ultima, and why do your eyes look like that? Why do look so weak if your an Alpha?" He Questioned before Enzo sighed, leaning back.

"...I didn't expect to explain this today but...whatever I guess..." Mumbled Enzo before sitting up.

"Around 5 or 6 years ago, North, South, East, and West Pack, were all 1 United Pack, in a United ground. It was called Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills was led by 4 Alphas. Alphas that we're strong, powerful. And Alphas that were rare."

The Alpha's Abused Omega[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now