Chapter 6

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The West pack slowly walked away, Enzo leading the charge into the sunset.

As night set, all the Wolves' eyes shined, the blue overwhelming shining like a light.

Liam and Orion didn't shine their eyes, out of misinformation and not trying to mess up.

Orion looked around the pack, looking at all the wolves before spotting a little kid with blue eyes sobbing into his mother's shoulder.

The mother pulled away slightly and smiled at him, kissing his forehead.

"E-Enzo's hurt..." he sniffles, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's ok Leonis...I'm here. And I promise everything'll be ok..." The mother consoles as she kissed his forehead gently and held him close.

Orion saw this act and smiles softly.

On the other hand, there was Enzo...

His eyes were still shining red.

Jackson noticed this as he grabbed Enzo's shoulder.


"What?" Replied The Alpha, with a strong tone.

"...Night fell, and we need to rest. It took us all day to get to the East, and it will take us all night to get back home. I suggest we set camp down."

"No Jackson. We're gonna keep moving and I'm getting as far away from that fucking pack as possible!" Growled Enzo before Jackson frowned.

"You haven't noticed yet have you?" Questioned Jackson.

Enzo growled and turned to Jackson.

"Noticed what?" He snapped.

"...You're not in control anymore."

"...Huh?" Questioned Enzo before Jackson nodded to his hands.

Enzo frowned and looked down, only to be shocked.

His hands were bloodied black and his claws were out. His hand had small holes in them thanks to his claws.

"...Your Fur is out. And so are your fangs."

Enzo's eyes widened more as he touched his cheek and his teeth.

"...b-but I was sure I had gone back to my Human state..."

"Enzo...try to remember this is the third time you use your Spark today. Not only are your emotions getting more irritable, but your body will also be VIOLENTLY shaken. Please listen to me, for once in your life, listen. You need rest. Your not healing properly and your tired, not to mention extremely angry. Please...let's set up camp. And rest. Ok?"

Enzo sighed and looked up at Jackson, nodding, trying to calm down.

Jackson nodded as he patted Enzo's back. "I'll take care of them for a bit. Just rest."

"..." Enzo nodded as he walked over to a tree and sat down, trying to calm down.

Orion watched this and over heard what The Alpha and his right-hand were talking about.

She slowly looked up at Liam. And by his expression, he had been listening too.

Not healing properly?

Already used his...'Spark' 3 times today?



Not in control?

This all confused Orion and Liam. Somethings more than others to each of them...

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