Chapter 12

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Orion stood in shock, her mouth ajar as she saw the big black wolf man infront of her.

Her eyes widened, shining their innocent golden color as she stepped back.

"E-Enzo...s-stop..." she mumbled out.

Enzo, The now monster wolf, snarled lowly as it slowly made it's way towards Orion.

"E-Enzo this isn't you! Listen to me please!" Tears ran down Orion's cheeks, as she backed up against a tree.

Enzo snarled and roared as he jumped towards The Wolf.

Her eyes widened as she ducked out the way, rolling away and running.

Enzo bashes his head against the tree and growled as he quickly ran after the Omega.

Orion whimpered and tried to howl out, hoping someone, anyone would hear her!

"JACKSON!!!" She yelled out, praying , hoping that she'd be heard.

She could feel the monster stalk her as she ran quickly, before tripping on a root.

Her eyes widened as she looked up to find herself face to face with the Corrupt Alpha.

"N-No! E-Enzo please!" She cried out, bawling in fear.

As he lifted his claws over his head to finish off the Omega, an extremely loud for was heard from behind him.

He whimpered almost instantly, falling to his knees.

2 purple eyes were seen from behind him as a dark figure quickly ran over and tackled the monster wolf away.

"J-Jackson?!" She cries out, looking over only to see...blond hair?

"Damn it Enzo wake up!" Cried out a familiar face as the Man-Wolf kicked the figure off him.

The figure caught himself and growled, popping his claws.

". . .Liam. . ." She stated in shock.

He was alive.

Enzo's red eyes widened as he saw Liam.

"Enzo, calm down...please..."

". . ." His red eyes glistened against the sky as they flashed blue all of the sudden as the monster roared out in pain, falling to it's knees.

"Enzo!" Cried out Orion as she sprinted towards the Alpha, only to be tackled out of the way by Jackson.

"Liam, ROAR!"

Liam gulped and nodded, his eyes shining purple as he roared towards Enzo, the Alpha howling out in pain as his body quickly began to morph back into his human body, his clothes all torn to shreds.

Liam panted, the Purple in his eyes slowly subsiding.

"LET ME GO!" Cried out Orion as she wriggled and tried to get away from Jackson's grasp.

"Orion stay still! It's for your own good!" She snarled and sank her fangs into his forearm.

The Right-Hans cried out in pain as she quickly ran over to Enzo, who finished morphing back into his human form.

He panted heavily, shaking and quivering as she grabbed him and cradles him in her arms.

Tears ran down her cheeks.


He groaned in pain, panting heavily.

"I-I'm...sorry..." he mumbled, his odd-colored eyes shining.

"I-It's ok! It's ok Enzo..." She sniffles as she held him close.

He panted as he nodded, closing his eyes.

"...So everyone's gone...huh?..."

Liam walked around the cave and area where West Pack used to be in.

"Yeah..." Sighed Jackson, holding his side.

"...Is there anyone with you that survived?" Questioned Jackson.

"Yeah...Very few though...not enough to fight against Blayd..." He stated as he sat on a charred rock, Jackson doing the same.

"Still...Enzo's already issued out the challenge..." Replied Jackson, looking at the spiral the Alpha has made.

"Tomorrow morning, bring them here. Explain what happened ok?"

Liam nodded as he lied down.

"Good night Jackson."

"Night Liam." He stated as the Right-hand walked up to the cave and entered, finding Enzo fast asleep, with Orion next to him.

"...How is he?" He asked, slowly approaching.

"He's exhausted...that transformation took a lot out of him..." She Replied and sighed.

"...You can go sleep outside Orion."


"That's an order. Go. Please."

Orion pressed her lips to a thin line and sighed, nodding. She stood up and walked out the cave, giving the Alpha one last look before walking out.

Jackson watched on and sighed, looking at the Alpha.

"...Enzo I'm aware your not sleeping..."

After a few seconds passed, the Corrupt Alpha sighed and slowly sat up.

"Yeah..." He Spoke quietly, almost a whisper.

"...What's going on? You alright?" He Questioned as Enzo looked down.

"...No...I'm not...somethings changed...I've changed..." he stated, while biting his lips and sniffling.

"...What do you mean Enzo? You got mad, so what?"

"..." Enzo sniffles before looking up at Jackson, and glowing his eyes.

Jackson's eyes widened in shock, his own eyes glowing purple as a result.

"I lost my spark."


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The Alpha's Abused Omega[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now