Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sara's P.O.V

I'm sitting in the plane, I just fastened my seatbelt, I feel like I don't hear anything.

Everything is frozen I my eyes.

No sound can be heard as I said before.

I can see some children running pass me but i see it in slow-motion.

Their parents yell something at them but I cant hear, for sure telling them to not run.

I don't want to look who is sitting in front of me, behind me and of course beside.

There is not a chance I dear to look beside me.

Im too weak to look at him.

The fact that he came with me make me cry.


He is the person beside me.


"I have too listen to what they say, I have to go back to London, but don't forget one thing... I love you"

I went out of the hotel room.

I took the elevator down to the lobby.

Tears was there in my eyes, I was begging them to not run down, I didn't want any paparazzi's to catch me with their little annoying camera. Then my face would have been in all of the gossip magazines.

I was awaiting for the taxi...

Someone took my wrist.

Soft hands, I knew who's it was, but I didn't dear to turn around to face him.

"Leave then" he told me, I become shocked and angry at the same time, he want me to go.

I turned around...

"Yes, I'm leaving, why do you act like this, I guess you got happy that I'm going to leave! Why did you just not tell me that you want to end our relationship?, why, i didnt know you hate me, what have I done, I just go in trouble because of our relationship and you are ending with me?? Wh-"

I was cut off, not cut off by Harry, I was cut off by soft lips against mine, a short kiss.

We parted.

I looked into the bright green eyes.

Harry smiled.

I was just shocked, I couldn't even breath.

He opened the taxi door that have arrived and mentioned me to walk inside.

I did as he mentioned.

I looked confused at him, then he stepped in the taxi, I give a 'what is happening look' and he said:

"I would never let you be alone from and now. Me and you are now one. If you go anywhere, I'm there" he said while he were holding my hands.

He didn't even care about what I just said, he acted as he never heard.

I'm really about that he acted like this, but I'm still embarrassed about how I yelled. But I tried to escape to embarrassment.

I just nodded and gave a small smile, he quickly gave a kiss on my cheek.

<><><> End of flashback <><><>

"Sara" Harry snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yes" I answered and looked into his eyes

"Don't worry about anything, everything is going to be fine" he tried to calm me.

"Thanks darling, I trust you and I hope my parents are ok with everything, even though I know it's quite...impossible"


We are now at Harry's apartment.

Directly I called my shop.

"hello" the other line said

"Hi Lily it's me Sara" I said

"Hi Sara, how are you, nice to hear from you!" lily said with excitement on her voice.

"Thank you, I'm fine, I'm back in London now"

"But, but are you not with One Direction now, you have to be with them, have it happened anything" she asked quick and you could hear how worried she was.

"No, everything is fine, calm down, their concert at Paris is finished so I'm just here 2 days, then they have a concert in Berlin"

"Then its really good that you are here, since we really need you, you know the shop is going of be empty in a couple of days!" she almost yelled at the end.

I turned to see Harry, he was laughing like mad at my reaction. I quickly took a pillow from the couch and thrown it at him but he dodged, so the pillow went in into his bedroom at the other side.

He laughed even harder.


then I remembered that I was actually talking on phone! Oops

"Yes, or actually no, what did you say?"

"We need a few more designs, the designs you left is almost all sold" she said

"What about starting to sew the autumn collection?" I asked unsure

"Wow, what would be perfect!"

"I'm bringing the new collection today, tell the workers to be there in one hour, so I can tell them how to really sew the designs, I'm coming in a couple of hours"

"Thank you Sara, see you then, bye"



A few hours later

"thank you all, I'm really proud of you all, without you, I would never be were I am right now"

"thanks" the workers and designers said all in once.

I gave them the designs and they will work on them, even if I and Evin are not here, still I have Lily, she know what to do until me and Evin are back.

Me and Harry went out of the shop, hand in hand. I was wearing one of my designed dress, knee length, bright yellow and my high heels was the same colour. My brown strait hair was curled which made it look shorter.

Harry was wearing a dark green blazer with showed his green eyes brighter than ever.

We dressed smart, I always do, but today is not a choice, we have too.

We are going to meet my parents, WE, me and Harry.

This is first time my parents meet any boy, that is with me. I actually never had a boyfriend. He is my first and will remain to be my last...


Sorry, I know I ended in a bad place.

How do you think the meeting with Sara's parents go?

Will her parents accept their relationship or not?

Please comment what you think.

Can I please ask for two vote before new chapter? :/ PLEASE??

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