Chapter 11

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Hi everyone, I remember I said that I will not be able to update till 3 September but you all are really lucky :) I'm right now at one of my friends and he told me that I can use his wifi, I'm posting this from phone, so I don't really know if it's long or short, but anyways there is a chapter here :D I know that was a really long note but here is the chapter...enjoy beauties

By the way, did you see the boys amazing performance at the Olympics closing ceremony? Amazing right? <3


Harry's P.O.V

"come Sara, just come with me!"

"but Harry, I have to do a few more designs"

"I must take you to my favorite shop"


"no buts!"


"WHAT!" Sara exclaimed

"YES!, what you see is right!" I said

"I...I thought only my designs name was Bliss" she said worried

"Shhh...calm down, only and only your designs name is Bliss" I said while rubbing her back lightly

"But what is this" she said in low voice

"Sara...uhmm...this is actually...yours" I said while trying to not see her in the eyes

"No-Way!" she said and suddenly hugged me... And kissed me softly and sweetly, the kind of kisses that I loved.

I can't believe this moment. She is sweet and have all the things I want a girl to have, and I can't believe that at this moment I feel that she is...mine

" we shouldn't...uhm kiss" Sara said really worried

"why?" I asked

"we just shouldn't" Sara said while going a hand thru her long hair


Two days later

Pops magazine:

Harry styles from One Direction, was seen kissing his personal designer Sara Kamal in front of her shop.

But, the important part is that, Sara do not have a shop in France, she just have one in London.

It looks like the heartthrob have bought his lover a shop, we can clearly see the Bliss sign on the picture!

Harry Styles, you didn't tell us that you go for younger women too. And that you treat them, really really well. Sara Kamal you are a really lucky girl, first of all being a successful young designer and secondly, having the most amazing singer loving her!

"This is all over the magazines!" Sara said

"they also have lies in there!" she added

Me and Sara went to a coffee shop close to the hotel after Sara seeing the news all over the TV and magazines.

"Sara, what lies?" I asked

"do you really not see lies in there?" she asked

"you are a famous designer, I bought you a shop and..." I said and stopped at the end

"and?" she asked curiously

"And I do... Love you" I said while reaching to take her hands in mine, she looked shocked, it made me...scared. What if she didn't feel the same!?

Sara's P.O.V

"And I do...Love you" he said nervously and took my hands in his soft hands.

I was sitting, in a coffee shop, in middle of Paris, with Harry Styles, yes Harry Styles and he tells me that he loves me... Quite shocked or should I say...really shocked

"Sara?" Harry asked me and squeezed my hand sofly

I shaked my head to go back to reality and wake from my dream, but I was already awake...

"Harry...uhm...can you punch me or something?" I said while I bit my lip

"why?" Harry said and chuckled but I could see in his eyes how nervous he was

"because I want to really see this is real, because I want to see if I'm awake, I just think this is a dream" I said in low voice and he squeezed my hand once more and said "I do love you, from the first time I saw you, I knew you was the one I have been searching for all my life" he said and looked a bit disappointed

"I...I too" I said and had tears of happiness in my eyes but I saw the boy in front of me, suddenly changing mood from nervous and disappointed to a smiling and joyful face.

From a Bad Grade, to a Good Life (Harry Styles FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora