Chapter Twenty Four: Lost Hope

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I've Told You Now-Sam Smith

A Drop in the Ocean-Ron Pope

Make It To Me-Sam Smith

Heart Beats-Johnnyswim

Figure 8-Ellie Goulding


Lost At Sea-Zedd

A/N: These chapters might take longer to write because they're getting longer now that there's two different settings. BUT ANYWAY I wrote down the whole plot of what's gonna happen the other day, and let me just say there are lots of plot twists;) There's gonna be a little bit something like the scene in Divergent where Tobias is under that mind control but Tris snaps him out of it, that's all I'm gonna say:))) THANK YOU FOR 2K READS<333 I LOVE YOU ALL and please vote and comment:) enjoyy


Jace's POV

Clary was gone, and it was all my fault. If only I hadn't dragged Justin outside. If only I told her to stay with Alec and Isabelle. If only I was there to protect her.

I'd been up all night, waiting desperately for any news from Clary. There were dark circles underneath my eyes, and my fingernails were bitten down quite far. I watched the flames burning in the grate of the fireplace, for so long I had to look away when my eyes started burning. I sat in the chair nearby, waiting for Magnus to give us results, or any kind of update. The library was still, with hushed, concentrated voices.

"Is there any progress?" asked Simon, walking in alongside Isabelle. I didn't bother to look at them. Alec and Magnus were hunched over a desk, and Alec watched as Magnus studied Clary's stele, trying to track her through it. Alec glanced up, and said, "He's still trying to track her." 

An hour ago, Justin had tried with a tracking rune on one of her bracelets she wore often, but as hard as he concentrated, no image came up in his mind. He sat at the table now, head in his hands. I was angry at him for not trying hard enough, and I was avoiding talking to anyone. I'd been here for a long time, reflecting on how to get her back.

Magnus suddenly snapped out of his concentration and banged his fist on the table in frustration, making Justin's head shoot up in anticipation. "Jace, remember those misdirection wards on the Fairchild manor?" Magnus asked me, and my interest perked up. I nodded at him, and he continued, "I encountered something like those. I'm using so much of my energy trying to find Clary, but nothing's coming up in my mind. I catch small glimpses of things, then the image slips out and all I see is darkness. It's no use right now. We'll just have to wait a little more." I slumped in my seat, and Justins head fell back into his hands. He wasn't the one who needed to be sulking.

I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Isabelle. "It's okay, Jace. We'll find her soon." she said, trying to console me. I turned around to face her, anger bubbling up inside me. "I don't understand why everyone says that all the time. Every minute we waste, they could be hurting her, torturing her, only the Angel knows if she's dead or not." My words surprised me, but I didn't regret them. Isabelle looked stricken by what I said and then Simon disbelievingly said, "You can't mean that. You can't want her to be dead."

"I don't want her to be dead. By the Angel, I want her alive and healthy and here. That's why we have to take action now." I said desperately, running a hand through my hair. I heard Justin sigh, and Alec looked up and said, "Jace, we're trying our hardest. I promise you we'll get her back." I didn't believe him, but I nodded slightly and turned my gaze toward the fire. 

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