Chapter Thirty Two: Empty

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A/N: Thanks for getting me so close to 6k! This chapter is not as interesting as the rest, but big things are still happening. I'm so happy, I went to the 5SOS concert on Saturday and it was hella awesome!! Okay that was weird you can read this now hahah


Jace's POV

I didn't think I could handle seeing Clary like this.

Her eyes looked blank, as if she was there, aware, but horribly peaceful, as if nothing bad happened to her. I couldn't help but think of the pain she went through when she saw me this way, a long time ago. 

I hesitantly opened the door to my room, glancing around curiously. A short white hallway surrounded me, two closed doors on each side. I quickly peeked through each, finding a neat, simple bathroom in one and a closet full of black, white, and grey garments. Then, I stepped forward through the door in front of me.

The walls were eggshell, a large clear window in front of me. The view was of a busy road, with crumbling colorful facades and little comfy bakeries dotting the cobblestone street.

I hit the light switch to my left, finding a simple room, reminding me of a hotel. The bed was probably a California king, with blindingly white sheets and plush pillows, beside a petite bedside table that had a crystal lamp sitting atop it. 

A vast bookshelf lined the wall, with books of all colors and genres squished into it, though still seeming neat. I dropped my duffel on a nearby chair, and trailed my hands along the titles, seeing words ranging from A Tale of Two Cities to Demon Species and Where To Find Them.

I shook my head disbelievingly, a bittersweet smile playing on my face. What was Lilith trying to do? Pamper me before I was held against my will to become half-demon?

I froze, hearing a raised voice coming from another room. I instantly recognized it as Clary's.

I sped back out my door in my hallway and glanced from left to right. I followed the noise, up to another wooden door, and hovered in front of it.

"...I don't understand why the boy is here, and why it seems that we've met before even though we haven't!" I heard her scream. The boy? It was still unbearable to believe that she didn't remember me at all, and that she probably feared me at the least.

"You're the only one I can remotely trust here, but all you do is answer in riddles and look at me like I'm some kind of alien!" Her voice rang out through the door, and each word felt like individual needles prickling my skin. She only trusted him, and wanted his company and respect. Damian's, the same sick species as her evil brother, only his trust. I leaned against the wall to stabilize myself.

Now I heard a muffled voice, too quiet to hear, though it had the undertones of a boy. Damian kept talking, it seemed, with no input from Clary.

Finally, she spoke once again, and they kept it on back and forth for minutes. I could barely hear any of it.

Then, all of the sudden, silence.

Millions of scenarios ran through my mind, none all too pleasant. The absence of conversation worried me, and I contemplated whether or not to go in Clary's room. 

The thought of Clary and Damian kissing suddenly appeared in my head, and it was the last straw. I had to go in.

I pushed down the door handle, and the hinges creaked in protest as I opened the door. I found a small hallway with three doors, identical to mine, and determinedly opened another door. 

out of reach//TMIWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt