Chapter Seventeen: I Can't Lose You

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Songs for this short chapter:

Shirtsleeves-Ed Sheeran

Heart Beats-Johnnyswim

There's so much going on ahh I hope u guys like this:) plz vote & comment!


Jace's POV

Clary was taking a long time with Justin in the training room, and I was bored, so I walked over there to watch them. I entered the room, and stopped in my tracks.

I first saw Clary's red hair, then Justin's dirty blond. He was kissing her, and as I saw them my heart shattered into billions of small, fragile pieces.

"I knew I should've supervised this sparring session." I said ironically, with a broken voice.

At the sound of my voice, Clary forced Justin off of her. She looked astonished, and confused. "Jace, please listen. I only want you, this was a mistake." said Clary, pleading to me. Justin's shoulders slumped at Clary's words. I was disgusted with him, he kissed my one and only love. I was disappointed in Clary, so much that words couldn't describe it.

I couldn't bear to look at her, so I looked at the floor. "I thought you loved me." I said quietly. "I do, I love you so much Jace." she said, trying to reach out to me. I backed away, still looking at the floor. "I need to...organize my thoughts." I looked up at Clary, she was staring at me with sad and apologetic eyes. 

"Jace, this is all my fault." said Justin with guilt.

Rage exploded inside of me. "It sure as hell is." I said strongly, and I stormed over to him, then punched him square in the jaw, just like he did me the other day. His head flung to the side, a big red mark on the side of his face already. I guess I'm stronger than I thought I was right now.

"Okay, I know it's my fault but was that necessary?" he asked me stupidly. "Are you kidding me?" I said viciously. "I'll gladly do it again!" I said, lunging towards him.

Clary stepped between us, pushing me off of Justin. "Both of you, stop!" exclaimed Clary. Justin looked at me incredulously, and I was breathing hard. I muttered, "Don't follow me." to Clary, then I turned away and walked out the door.

Clary's POV

I watched Jace go, unsure of what to do next. He obviously needs time to think, and he said not to follow him. I decided to tell off Justin.

"What the hell was that, Justin?" I yelled at him. "I was about to leave the room, and you kiss me? Knowing perfectly well that Jace and I are back together, you kiss me?" I went on. He had a look on his face that made me feel bad for him, a look of complete guilt and regretfullness. "I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to see if I still loved you-I just don't know. I'm sorry." he repeated, with his voice cracking, and he ran a hand through his hair then walked out the door. I sank down onto the bench in the training room and put my head in my hands. I have gotten myself in yet another mess.

Jace's POV

I walked to my room, slammed the door behind me, and flopped onto my bed. I spent quite a long time just staring at my ceiling, trying to organize my thoughts and feelings, until I heard a voice outside of my door.

Clary's soft voice said, "Jace, I know you're in there." as she knocked on my door. I had locked it, thinking that Alec, Isabelle, or even Simon would come in. "Please, let me explain to you what happened. I didn't kiss Justin, he kissed me." continued Clary, pleading in her voice. I stood up, and leaned against the door to listen to her from the opposite side. Her voice was barely a whisper when she said, "Jace. I can't lose you." I heard nothing for a long time, and I was about to open my mouth to respond, until I heard resigned footsteps walking away.

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