Chapter Eleven: Near Death

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Songs for this chapter:

Breakeven-The Script

Shirtsleeves-Ed Sheeran

I hope you guys like this so far:)


Clary's POV

I had decided they were demons with human features. I heard their growls and felt their sharp claws digging into my arms, drawing blood. One had unnaturally black eyes, the other a piercing orange, the color of fire. They led-or should I say dragged-me out of the back door, down the steps onto the pavement. They seemed to be looking for someone, so I took the opportunity to kick out underneath one of the demon's legs. Its head hit the last step, and it let out an angry gurgle from the back of its throat. The other one lunged for me, but I ducked out of the way. I remembered that I had brought a seraph blade. I whipped it out of my pocket as the demon lunged for me again, named it "Gabriel" and brought it down into the demon's chest. It screeched as ichor sprayed from the wound, and it disappeared into it's home dimension. I saw another creature emerging from the end of the alley, with the same claws as the one I just killed. I was defenseless now, I had no weapons.

I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, and bit back a scream as I felt blood pour from the wound. I turned around and saw the demon I had tripped onto the steps. I felt dizzier and dizzier, and I fell to the floor on my back, more pain shooting through my body. The last thing I saw before slipping into unconsciousness was one demon with a razor sharp-toothed grin, and the other demon saying, "Lilith will not be happy." with a disappointed expression.

Jace's POV

Isabelle, Alec, and I burst out the back doors of Pandemonium. I saw two demons with human disguises, standing over a still shape on the floor, backs turned towards us. I had brought my weapons belt just in case, and I was glad I did. I handed seraph blades to Isabelle and Alec, and I was about to strike one of the demons, when I saw that the figure on the floor had fiery, red hair. 

"Clary!" I yelled. The demons whipped around, and Isabelle and Alec pounced onto them, the shining metal colliding with their flesh.

"Dammit!" I heard Alec yell. He'd been sprayed by the ichor onto his forearm, and the skin was blistering already. As Isabelle tried to finish off the other demon, it turned and shoved her, hard, against the brick wall. She slumped down, motionless, to the floor. "Isabelle!" Alec shrieked. "Jace, a little help?" I had been standing, paralyzed, staring at Clary. 

I snapped into movement and lunged at the remaining demon with my blade, but it ducked to the side. Alec and I were standing side by side, the demon a few feet away from us. At that moment, the back door opened again as Justin, Sam, Simon, and Tegan came out. The demon turned towards them, and Justin took a blade from his belt and threw straight at the demon's chest. It fell to the floor and disappeared. 

Simon and Alec darted towards Isabelle, and Justin and I ran to Clary at the same time. I sunk down by her side, and I heard Justin breathe out, "Clary." I saw a pool of blood around her, and looked to where her wound was, on her shoulder. It was deep, and blood still seeped out of it. I checked for her pulse. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and felt a pulse that was barely there. Justin took off his jacket and put pressure on her wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I tried to apply iratzes, but they faded away quickly. Clearly, the damage was far too much for a healing rune.

Simon came over to where we were and I asked, "Is Isabelle alright?" He answered calmly, "Yeah. She's unconscious and has a concussion but she'll be okay." Good, I thought. "How is she?" Simon asked quietly. "She has a light pulse, but she's alive. There's demon poison in her wound, I think one of them clawed her shoulder. The iratzes aren't working, and Justin's trying to slow the bleeding." Alec came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "We have to get her back to the Institute." he said gently. I nodded in agreement, and carefully picked up Clary, making sure not to touch her wound. Simon did the same with Isabelle, and we set for the Institute. 

Clary's POV

I saw nothing but darkness and heard urgent, muffled voices. There was unbearable pain in my shoulder, and I felt warm, comforting arms around me, picking me up off of the floor. I opened my eyes slightly, and saw blonde hair, high cheekbones, and golden eyes looking down onto me. "Clary." said Jace. He was carrying me home. "Everything is going to be okay." he said. I nodded slightly and slipped back into unconsciousness.

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