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Crying is how your body speaks when words cant explain the pain you feel


"Mom" my eyes widened when I realized who he is. He was crying hysterically while she was unable to recognize him. This is the first time I am seeing him cry. I never thought I would be able to see him cry like this. "Is that you my son?" he nodded his head trying to stop the sobs that escaped through his mouth. She enveloped him in her arms while he cried. The scene made me both happy and sad at the same time.

I couldn't stay there anymore knowing how he will react. I walked away slowly from the scene making sure no one notice me. I walked to the backyard and sat there thinking about our first meeting. He never liked the idea of me being a rogue. He hated me in the start. So why would he forgive me now? I wiped tears from my cheeks which were soon replaced by fresh tears.

"I never thought your brother will end up in our pack" I looked at him giving him a smile. "I know right?" I chuckled lifelessly. "You should talk to him" I shook my head immediately. "I don't think that's a good idea" he frowned. "You do know that he already knows you are his sister" he is right but I am scared. I want to avoid it as much as I can.

"Don't let those negative thoughts in your mind. He won't hate you" I smiled knowing Taehyung always know me the best. "We will see" he flicked my forehead making me yelp in surprise. "What was that for?" he smiled showing his box smile. "For leaving me alone back there" he said referring to where I left looking for Victor. My smile faded away when I remembered his words.

I couldn't ignore those words and pretend like everything is fine. "What happened?" he looked at me worried. "Nothing, just thinking" he pulled me in hug by his arm looking at the front. "Soon everything will be over" I couldn't smile anymore. "Yeah, everything will be over" I have to sort everything before it happens though. I have to kill Cayden even if it means I will die too.

We sat there until Jin oppa decided to come and drag me to where my brother was. He told me he was looking for me and wanted to talk to me. He dragged me when I refused to go. Taehyung agreed with Jin oppa and stood out there watching me fight Jin oppa while he dragged me. He pushed me inside and locked the door making sure I won't run away. I cursed him mentally then turned to see him watching me with icy glare.

I held my breath in nervousness. "You will die if you hold your breath anymore" Jimin commented making me frown. "Why are you so scared?" I glared at Jimin not answering him. "I think you should leave Jimin" Yoongi oppa said making him pout. He got down from the bed walking out. He winked at me when he passed me muttering a good luck. I rolled my eyes at his excitement.

"Y/n" I looked at him waiting for him to speak. "I am happy I finally found you" he smiled showing his gummy smile. "You don't hate me?" he chuckled at my question. "Why would I hate you?" I fumbled at my words. He smiled pulling me in his arms. I was too shocked to say anything. "I always had a feeling of protecting you but I never had an idea that we are blood related"

"I am so happy now, you don't know how much I searched for you and mom" I was so confused right now. "I don't understand" he pulled away with a smile. "I know it is confusing" he sat on the bed patting the space beside him. "That day in the fight, mom took me with her. We ran to east side and stayed in the city for few years. When I was seven mom was captured by wolves and I was found by Taehyung parents. They took me to their pack and beta couple decided to raise me since they don't have kids"

"You are not their real son?" he shook his head. "I am not but I felt thankful and took the beta title to help out their pack" so that's why I never thought about him being my brother. "Then how come you don't know Jin oppa?" he snorted. "I was two years old, how would I remember him or anyone else?" he is right. He can't remember. "Did anyone know about your past?" he shook his head.

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