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The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemy


"Y/N, get up" I got up panting heavily when I felt the cold water being thrown at me. I was soaking wet with the water in the early morning. "Get up your lazy ass and prepare something and clean the house. My friends are coming today and I want everything prepared by the time they come" My step father said walking out of the room. I looked at time and saw it is just four in the morning. Why did he have to wake me up so early in the morning?

I groaned getting up from the bed. I shivered when my feet touched the cold ground. I quickly walked to the bathroom and changed in to some fresh clothes. I walked downstairs to kitchen quickly not wanting to anger him anymore. I don't think I can take anymore beating. He beat me yesterday when he saw I didn't prepare the food last night. I was caught up in work that I didn't check the time.

I prepared a feast as fast as I can. I prepared all the dishes they might like. It is common for me as they come often. Whenever Frank gets a potential business deal, he invites them home for lunch or dinner. It is his way of bribing them. Every time he invites them, I become their waiter. I have to cook and serve them food.

I don't mind cocking but those guys are not good. Sometimes they try to touch me which irks me very badly. I could beat them down but I don't want to anger Frank so I just keep quiet. Seriously I can't wait to get out of this hell. "This deal is important to me so behave properly in front of them" Frank warned me.

He gripped my arm tightly when I didn't answer him. "Answer me when I ask you something" I nodded my head muttering an okay in above whisper. I rubbed my arm where he held soothing the pain. We heard a door bell and he gave me a glare which said you better act nice. He walked out and I sat on the ground sighing. I sat there till Frank asked me to bring the food.

The lunch went smoothly as those people were nice and didn't ask me for anything else. "Why don't you sit and eat with us?" one of them asked making me freeze. "yeah, it is pretty late" other one agreed and I looked at Frank. "She has work. Let her be. She will eat when her mother comes", he tried to avoid but they didn't listen. "Come on, we don't mind" he said gesturing to empty seat. I sat down slowly and ate without making any eye contact.

I only answered when they asked me something. They left few minutes later lunch. "Where do you think you are going?" Frank said when I tried go upstairs. "You always cause me trouble" I don't know what I did this time. I screamed in pain when the belt made the contact with my skin. "I didn't do anything" I yelled at him which only made things worse as he started hitting me more.

With every hit my skin started bleeding. I curled in ball as he hit few more times. "Get out, I don't want to you in the house today" he dragged me out and closed the door. I got up slowly and knocked on the door but it was no use. He wasn't answering the door. I walked out crying hysterically. At times like this I wanted to run away but the thought of becoming rogue scared me. I know I don't have a choice except waiting till I became major so that I can live alone with my savings. I walked in to the forest and sat leaning on a large tree.

"Well look who we got here" my crying stopped as I heard the familiar voice. "Seems like you got some lesson" he said eyeing my bruises and dried blood. "Jungkook what are you doing here?" he smirked leaning down. "Don't ever ask me questions" he said punching my jaw. I yelped in pain from the hit. "You disgust me" he said throwing some hard words at me while I stayed silent on the ground.

For the first time in a while I cried my heart out. I am not the type to show my emotions but today made me vulnerable. Soon everything around me faded and I was in some other place. "You shouldn't be crying over the past" I looked at my side and saw the same guy I have seen in my dream. "Who are you?" I whispered in shock.

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