Poor Jim

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A/N Alright. So. Yes, it's nearly been a month since I've updated (or longer I honestly can't remember). My bad. Laziness is one of my best qualities.

Hope you enjoy!

---Kirk(One day it'll be Spock, I swear)---

"Jim, I swear to god if you don't wake the fuck up-" a harsh shake to the shoulder sent Jim's eyes bursting open, only to be quickly shut at the blinding light that had filled his vision.

"Jesus christ- are we here?" Jim had grumbled, shielding his eyes.

"I'm flattered, but if I were Jesus, you wouldn't be here. And where else would be this fucking bright? I think my eyes are melting as we speak, actually."

Letting quiet laughter overtake him, Jim slowly opened his eyes and waited for them to adjust, feeling anxiety and excitement flood through him the longer he was awake. He couldn't wait to see, that's ironic, the alien planet that he would be spending the next three weeks on. His stomach was both jumping for joy, and wishing it had been surgically removed.

Once he could look around without squinting, his vision was filled with an irritated doctor he had come to call his friend, glaring down at him.

"You aren't suppose to take a nap just before meeting the Ambassador of Vulcan, dumbass," Bones stated, backing up when Jim raised up his arms to stretch, the sound of pops filling the otherwise quiet shuttle.

"They call it beauty sleep for a reason, darling. Don't I look ravishing?"

The only response to that was the doctor mimicking a gag, which sent both men into fits of laughter. After they had calmed down, their eyes both went to the window, watching as they got closer and closer to the sandy ground.

From then it only took a few moments before the shuttle slowed to a stop, allowing Bones and Jim to step out of the shuttle and onto the land of Vulcan. As Jim was vibrating with excitement, Bones was already scanning the area as though he could be able to see where the diseases could ambush them.

If Jim had taken a shot every time Bones was wary of getting any unknown alien virus, he would have died from alcohol poisoning the first ten minutes of knowing him.

Just as Jim was wondering if Bones would've come to his funeral, said man elbowed him in the ribs, directing his attention towards the entrance of the large building that loomed over them. Emerging from said entrance was a male vulcan and what looked to be a human female. The ambassador and his wife, Jim guessed.

The two pairs meet half-way, exchanging pleasantries, then Bones gets down to making him and Jim seem as non-threatening as possible. "Thank you for granting us the oppurtunity to better understand your culture, Ambassador. Take it from me that the United (nations? Idfk) are very pleased with your decision of letting us stay on your planet for three weeks."

"I believe it is both beneficial and needed that humans and vulcans have more knowledge of each other than is present. You two coming here being the most logical option at the moment, you need not thank me."

The conversation continues, but it becomes background noise for Jim as his eyes search around them, enjoying the landscape more than he thought he would, actually. Although it is unbelievably hot.

And the ambassadors wife is wearing a cloak for gods sake! They would have to go inside soon, Jim's head was starting to feel fuzzy and he swore to god if he passed out infront of the Ambassador of Vulcan, he might actually jump of a cliff-

The sentence that had been forming in Jim's head quickly dissipitated as his gaze caught sight of a rather large bear like creature barreling toward them, causing alerts in Jim's head to blare all at once.

"Pardon me, ambassador, but what is that?" He asked suddenly, only noticing after the fact that he had apparantly interrupted the conversation. Bones would give him hell for that later, judging by the glare he was recieving from said man, but the ambassador simply turned to where Jim had been pointing and nodded.

"That would be my son and his sehlat. The creature is a common pet amongst Vulcans. Do not let it's size intimidate you, our sehlat is well trained. The beast was mine before I gifted my son with it."

The ambassador had just finished his sentence when said creature stopped just short of him, and it's rider slid down it's furry back to stand next to his father. Meanwhile, Jim was having a difficult time breathing.

Like nearly all male vulcans, he was sporting the necessary haircut, wearing the necessary robes, and was portraying the necessary stick up the butt posture. The only difference was that apparantly his face was sculpted by fucking angels, and that just wasn't fair to Jim. And he hasn't even seen the vulcans body structure, damn robes.

He hardly noticed when the ambassador spoke again, "This is my son, S'chn T'gai Spock. However, you may call him Spock, for that is pronouncible in your tongue. Spock, these are our guests, Leonard McCoy, and James Kirk."

As Bones and Jim gave short bows to Spock, said vulcan watched them intently, his eyes roaming up and down Bones first, then moved over to Jim. Spock's eyes stayed a little longer than necessary on Jim's face as his "pet" rubbed it's enormous head into his side, resulting in the vulcan's arm to circle the beasts head, gently scratching behind it's floppy ears.

Yes, that was cute. Yes, Jim was definiately enjoying being in the company of the ambassadors son even though he has yet to say a word. And yes, Jim understood that this vulcan was absolutely off limits, but god damn this was so unfair in so many ways. The universe was just testing him at this point.

A moment of silence passed of Spock's eyes locked onto Jim's before the ambassadors wife, Amanda, if Jim remembered correctly, mentioned in a quiet voice, "Dear, shall we invite our guests inside? It must be awfully hot for them."

And that's what got the ambassador quickly making his way towards the tall building with Amanda on his right and Bones on his left, mentioning that there was beverages and food waiting for them inside and their luggage would be taken care of. Before Jim even had time to start walking with them, he became distracted with Spock climbing back on his sehlat.

Without even thinking, Jim asked, "Where are you going?"

The vulcan paused in ushering the humungous creature foreword to gaze down at Jim with an unreadable expression. After what felt like hours, but was probably only four seconds, Spock replied in a surprisingly quiet voice, "We vulcans do not dine with our pets present. Do your kind do opposite?"

Oh god, if only he wasn't off limits. His voice alone made Jim's knees weak and he had to mentally kick himself for being wooed so easily by someone who wasn't even trying.

"It depends on the person, honestly. My kind is very diverse when it comes to what we do and don't do with our pets."

"Fascinating. Will you be elaborating more on this subject during dinner?" Spock questions, sending Jim's heart racing at a rate that would've probably given Bones a heart attack.

Only if you ask nicely.

The vulcans head tilted just slightly to the left, a questioning expression on his face. Oh shit, did he say that out loud? But before Jim could apoligize, the vulcan spoke again, "While your customs still confuse me, I'll be sure to do so at dinner."

And with that, he was gone, leaving a poor, disorganized and flustered Jim in the dust, literally, wondering how the hell he'll be able to survive three weeks here without dying of a heart attack. Or by the hands of the ambassador for touching his son, or maybe even the son himself.

Whatever came first.

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