Cadets Need Money

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I've done your bidding, now you owe me money. (Or that blue drink you always have. Either will suffice.)

Anywho, this is a coffee shop au that my friend suggested I make. So I hope you guys enjoy!


"Why hello, stranger. What will it be today?" I asked the black haired Vulcan who had just come up to the counter, making my morning ten times more enjoyable.

Now, the question all of you might be asking is, why the hell is the famous James T. Kirk, son of the famous George Kirk, probably has slept with more people than a local New York prostitute, working at a coffee shop four days a week? While still trying to keep up with his studies at Starfleet Academy? Well, it's quite simple actually. Desperate times cause for desperate mesueres.

And by that I mean McCoy refuses to pay for my laundry.

So, here I am, drooling over almost every life form that walks through the doors of the coffee shop. Who knew all the good looking ones came to get coffee in the morning? I mean, you can always replicate it, that's cheaper. Guess the real thing tastes better or something.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my favorite customer cleared his throat, his left eyebrow quirked just a tad more than usual but otherwise looked at me with a calm expression.

Blinking away my previous thoughts I shook my head a little, "Sorry. Kinda spaced out there. Happens sometimes, I guess," I added with a light hearted laugh. He only nodded his head in acknowledgment before repeating what he had said to me.

"I have no say in the decision of what I drink, so whatever you give me today will suffice," the man stated, an unreadable expression over his face, as usual.

And, as usual, I gave him a dashing smile, "One Uhura coming right up. That'll be four credits, hun."

Let me explain why mystery boy over here just let me pick his order. It all began on a boring Wednesday when I first met the mystery man. On that Wednesday was when me and Uhura decided to play a little 'dare each other mercilessly' to pass some time.

That day was intense.

But anyway, one of Uhura's dares were to get mystery mans order wrong for three days straight. The first couple times I messed up his order, because of course I wouldn't back down from a petty dare like that, he didn't exactly complain, just stated I made a mistake and then went about his day. Not even wanting his actual order or to talk to my boss, nothin. That's when I first got interested in him.

Yes he was gorgeous, but he was also unlike anyone I had ever met before. I had only met two Vulcans before I met mystery man, and they were just dicks. But he wasn't like them at all, and that's what I liked about him. He was unique.

So after the three days were up, I continued to give him random drinks he didn't ask for that I liked or thought he would like. Now it just became the thing to do when he came in the shop, and he didn't seem to mind. 

As the man paid for the drink, something crossed over his eyes that I only had a second to see before it disappeared and he asked me calmly, "May I ask what the drink was named after?"

"An employee. Not many of us employees actually get named after the drinks we sell so it's like a huge honor thing if you do. I can understand why Uhura got the opportunity though, she works hard," I stated, smiling at the memory of when she first drank a "Uhura" and said it was delicious enough to have her name.

The Vulcan nodded his head and asked suddenly, "If I may, how many drinks have been named after employees?"

Thinking about it, I answered him with a questioning voice, "I've only been here for a while so I'm not too sure. There's only three drinks that have employees name's on them so I guess just three?"

"Thank you for the information," the Vulcan said, only for me to smile back at him and say before he walked off, "No problem, sweetheart."

He then walked over to an isolated table, like usual, and waited patiently for his drink.

Still smiling, I turned to get his order ready, remembering the way his expression showed the tiniest hint of curiosity when talking about the drinks with a warm feeling.

----Next Day----

What I did not expect the next day was seeing the attractive Vulcan walk into the shop in the morning, making me very curious. He usually only came here every other day of the week and so far hasn't been here two days straight. Except today, obviously. And I sure as hell wasn't complaining with this turn of events.

As he walked up to the counter I took in account that the shop was mostly deserted, except for Uhura, who was on break in the back room and an old man in a corner, sipping his tea quietly.

I gave him my best smile when he was in front of me and asked sweetly, "What will it be today, hun?"

The Vulcan took a moment looking at the board and turned back to me with a neutral expression, "What would you recommend?"

A wide smile formed on my face, "Any of the drinks named after employees. Those are the best sellers that get the most positive comments. I personally can't blame them since I've downed 'Uhura' more times than I can count."

I hear a snort from behind me as Uhura herself walks out from the back room and calls over her shoulder, "I'm on break! See ya in twenty minutes, loverboy."

Laughing at her comment, I focus my attention back on the Vulcan in front of me. He seems to have made up his mind and says quietly, "One short Jim Kirk then, please."

I swear to god himself I was not prepared for the hottest Vulcan I have met to say my name so.....sexily? Is that a word? I know he (probably) didn't mean it but dammit that was not being made clear to my mind.

Nobody I had ever had sex with or a romantic relationship with could really make me blush but all this guy does is say my name and I magically transform into a fucking schoolgirl?

Time didn't stop for me like it does for people in movies or books, unfortunately. What did happen was the never ending 'heart deciding to kill itself' phaze, feeling like a fucking furnace, and I swear I almost whimpered.


Nervous laughter left my lips as I stammered, "S-sure, hun." With that I quickly left for the back room, running my fingers through my hair as I did so. Once I gently shut the door behind me, I slowly turned to the available sofa in the room and fell onto it, screaming into the cushions underneath me.

----Uhura POV----

I had forgotten my phone in the break room, of course, so I had to turn around and head back into the coffee shop. I opened the door to see Mr. Spock sitting silently at his table, probably waiting for his drink. But when I turned towards the cash register I didn't see Kirk anywhere.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I head to the break room but stop when I hear what sounds to be a dying goat coming from the door. Even more confused then ever, I continue walking until I'm right outside the door.

Causiously, I slowly open the door to reveal the sight of Kirk sprawled over the sofa, screaming.

"What the hell is up with you?" I ask, poking Kirk harshly in the back. He has a job to do, what in the world is he screaming in the break room for.

The blonde looks up at me, his face an alarming red, "He said my name."

Kirk looked so terrified that I actually thought something was wrong until it clicked in my mind, "Vulcan?"

He nodded shakily, his eyes on the floor as he looked to be actually flustered for once. I felt laughter bubbling up in me as I started putting two and two together. Kirk's got a huge crush on Spock.

I started laughing as Kirk repeatedly said how this wasn't funny and how this isn't okay. That just made me laugh harder as tears started forming in my eyes, my arms wrapped around my stomach.

Kirk was hopeless.

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