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A/N Short chapter, but I tried. Hope you enjoy and have a good day!

----Jim POV----


The figure still had his back to me, staring at the roaring ocean before him. Lightning was heard in all directions but I didn't dare take my eyes off the male.

"Spock, is that you?" I asked, cautiously creeping towards the man with slow steps. I'm not sure why I knew it was male, nor was I sure why I already knew in my gut that it was Spock who refused to meet my gaze. I just knew I had to get him away from the cliff.

The figure then turned his head just enough for me to recognize the black bangs that hung above the eyebrows, before he disapeared into the dark black sea below.

My eyelids shot open to be met with pitch black and my ragged breathing in the air. Taking a moment to calm myself, I took multiple deep breathes, in and out. In and out. In and out...

With my heartbeat slightly back to its natural pace, I turned toward my husband, who I had felt jolt awake at the same time I let out a loud gasp. As I suspected, I had woken him up and he was looking at me with concerned eyes.

The Vulcans hand met mine under the covers, placing his index and middle finger against mine as he murmured, "Are you alright, Ashayam?"

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare," I quietly reassured him, scooting myself into his open arms and burying my head under his chin. His lips planted a soft kiss on my head, rubbing soothing circles against my back.

After a moment of silence, Spock must have noticed I hadn't fully relaxed yet, for he asked me gently, "Would it be satisfactory for you to discuss this dream?"

A shiver went down my spine at the memory of Spock falling into the sea, resulting in said man to tighten his grip around me. As he remained silent, waiting for me to confide in him like I'd done countless times before, I gently left his embrace and became level with him.

"We were on a cliff. You had your back to me but I just had a feeling in my stomach that it was you and I had to get you away from the cliff," I shivered again, Spock moved his hand to my cheek, causing me to take a shaky breath and continue.

"I called out your name a couple times. Then when you did turn to look at me, I only saw a little of your face before you jumped. I didn't see you after you hit the sea, it was too dark and black." Having finished that, I placed my hand over Spocks, closed my eyes and snuggled more into said hand.

"Jim," He whispered, rubbing his thumb under my eye as he spoke, "It was only a dream. I can assure you that I have no present desire of jumping of a cliff. I find it doubtful I would have this desire in the future either."

His comment made me smile as I again, snuggled under his chin and replied, "I know, hun. It scared me is all. I'm okay now."

Another kiss met my head as the Vulcan spoke softly, "I love you, Jim."

With a smile on my face, I whispered, "I love you too," then let sleep take me again, this time not being inturupted until the alarm went off later in the morning.


A/N If any of you want to actually have a discussion about how affectionate Spock would be to Jimmy Boi or a lover, I'd love to be apart of it.

I'm going to be honest, I'm not too familiar with how much affection Vulcans show each other in private.

My only knowledge about it is mostly from fanfictions and stuff I heard from people a while back.

Anyway, I'm open for conversations on the topic. Or any topic really. Hope you guys are doing alright.


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