Momma's Tea

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A/N Modern au where Spock and Jim have been roommates in a small apartment for just about a year. Spocks a human, Jim is a Spockaholic.

Hope you enjoy!


"I'm going to die."

"You have a cold, James. Not Syphilis," Spock said from across the living room, his eyes never leaving the book that was held in his hands.

On the carpet floor, a smile had broken across my face as I sniffed, "That's cute how you think I only have one STD."

This caused an eyebrow raise from my roommate, but nothing more. Determined, I kicked out my legs a little, watching his expression as my foot just barely caressed against his leg, "Spock."

His eyes still on the book, he let out a quiet, "Yes?"

"I'm pregnant."

A sigh left his lips, then his eyes finally met mine, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine, "I understand you're seeking attention, so I'll humor you. The only thing you're pregnant with is horribly greased french fries and a diet of a broke college student."

Soft laughter took over me as I rolled on the floor, half in dramatic pain and half in real pain. September was always a merciless bitch to me when it came to colds. It wasn't even that chilly yet, but did it stop my body from saying, "You know what? Let's see how long it takes him to die,"?

Hell the fuck no.

When I faced Spock again, I found his eyes on me, watching intently as I sniffed loudly and nearly choked.

Without a word, my roommate had sat up from his chair, his book in hand, and walked toward the kitchen, living me alone on the floor. I scoffed, for such a hot genius he was such a dick.

Letting out a noise of complaint, I was about to make the long journey of sitting up when I saw Spock walking towards me, a white coffee cup in hand that had steam spiraling toward the ceiling.

A smirk spread across my face as I let out a mock gasp, saying in a pitched voice, "For me?"

The cup was handed to me while Spock explained, "My mother made me this tea whenever I was sick. It's been a favorable choice of mine ever since."

Taken aback by Spock's sincerity, a growing warmth spread through me as a small smile was being directed at the man in front of me, "Thank you."

He only nodded in reply, then went back to his original seat, opening the book once again, ending any other conversation that would have taken place.

Sighing, I sipped the tea, enjoying the honey flavor fill my mouth. So, I drank more. I was done with the cup in about three minutes, already feeling a lot better. Sleepy, even.

Now that I think about it, I was really tired. I furiously blinked my eyes, trying my best to stay awake. However, that proved futile as darkness started kissing the tips of my vision, my head now a million times heavier then usual. With my head meeting the carpet floor, only one thought ran through my mind.

That motherfucker.


Carefully lifting Jim's legs around my waist, and arms over my shoulders, I began my way to his room, careful not to drop him. Which honestly wasn't a problem since his head was resting securely against my neck, his golden locks brushing against my cheek when I repositioned him a few times.

The warmth from him was pleasant, although I still didn't enjoy being this close to someone sick. There wasn't any time in my life to become ill. I wouldn't be able to work or take care of my roommate.

Now that would be a disaster.

Once I reached Jim's room, which was notably unclean with clothes tossed this way and that and said man's bed resembling more of a rats nest then a relatively expensive matress, I dropped his body on the plump mattress.

Turning towards the door, I was about to leave when I noticed a stack of white, somewhat crumpled paper beside Jim's mattress.

Bending down to further observe the stack of papers, I realized this must be that story Jim mentioned he had been working on for a couple months. He had wanted me to read it but unfortunately I had been busy with work to find free time to do so.

Bending down, I picked up the packet and made myself comfy against Jim's bed, my back resting on the side of the mattress. Carefully, I held the papers so they wouldn't be crushed and started reading.


Nearly an hour later, I hear a quiet shuffle behind me and my roommates voice fill the room, "I wasn't aware your mother drugged you whenever you were sick, Spock. No wonder you didn't turn out alright."

Not missing a beat, I stated nonchalantly, "You hadn't slept in three days. I was only trying to help your illness."

"Bullshit. You were just tried of my whinning."

To that, I stayed silent, resulting in a snort being heard behind me and a weight press down against my shoulders as Jim glanced down at the pile of paper in my lap. 

"Oh, you found it. How was it by the way? I think I made Alex come off a little too slutty," Jim asks, his arms weaving themselves loosely around my neck.

"Although I agree that Alex does come off 'slutty,' I find most readers enjoy that type of character when you also give them a cocky personality."

After a moment, I add, "Which you have."

"Awww, Spock! That was the sweetest thing you've ever said about my slutty characters!"

Gently untangling Jim's arms around my neck, I make my way over to the door, calling behind my back, "I will get dinner started. I'd advice you to stay in bed and wait patiently for the food, but I already know that you will not take said advice."

At this, Jim jumped off his bed and walked past me into the hallway, all the while exclaiming loudly over his shoulder, "Damn right!"


A/N I don't exactly know what I was doing in this chapter but here you go? Also, so sorry for the really late update, I have no excuses.

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