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A/N This isn't the Christmas Special and I apoligize because that's going to be late. Hope you enjoy this chapter anyway!


"Mother, are you not also cold?"

My mother's eyes met mine, wrinkling at the ends as she exlaimed with a smile, "Aww, com'er. I'll warm you up with my love!"

"I fail to see how that is more beneficial than turning up the heater. Perhaps grabbing a blanket, even," I stated nonchalantly, not resisting as my mother grabbed a hold of me and set me on her lap.

Thin arms wrapped around my stomach as I felt the women move back against the dark blue couch, letting out a quiet chuckle as she squeezed me, "Oh hush. I rarely cuddle with you anymore."

Looking up to meet the women's gaze, I let one eyebrow quirk upwards, "I believe I am still the right size to not cause you any discomfort. I apologize, were my calculations incorrect?"

Just as I was about to move off of my mother in fear of hurting her in any way, her grip on me tightened as she let out a small giggle, "Oh no. You're fine honey. I'm just saying, you've grown up in such a short amount of time."

"It feels like just yesterday you were still clinging to me whenever your father's guests would come over." She stops, a nostalgic expression crossing over her features.

Feeling like I've disappointed her somehow, I gently place my hand across hers, my small fingers just barely reaching up to her fingertips, and softly reassure her, "You can still cuddle me if you wish. I do not mind."

Her gaze softens, "You're such a good son. Don't worry about me, okay? I'm perfectly content with getting special cuddles from you every now and then."

"Besides," she continues brightly, "when you're older, you'll have someone of your own to cuddle! Or at least hug. I do hope you hug your significant other, I know for a fact your father gets grumpy when I don't give him a hug every once in a while."

My gaze casts down to the wooden floor, "I'm sure we will show enough affection toward one another to be satisfactory."

"And I'm sure your thoughts will change once you meet them. Hell, mine certainly did when I met your father."

"Tell me about your first acquaintance with my father. He does not discuss the past as much as you."

She smiles again, "He has good reason too. Your father isn't like me, that's all there is to it. But anyway, when I met your father, well, let's just say I didn't think I'd marry and raise a child with him."

I waited for her to continue, my gaze never leaving her face.

"However, after some time with him, I learned that there was a lot more character to him. So, I gave him a chance and we ended up married."

Feeling my body already start to feel a lot more warmer, I asked, "Will father find me a suitable wife, mother?"

"Oh, honey. That'll be something you'll have to do yourself!"

"But why?"

"Because no one can find love for you. But don't worry, I'm more than confident that you'll find someone very special in the future. I just hope she likes my cooking!"



My head turns from the snow falling just outside the window, covering our backyard with a thick blanket of white, to see my husband standing in the doorway leading to our room.

"Hey honey, everyone's wondering where you were at. What are you doing here all alone?"

Turning my back to the window, I accepted the outstretched fingers in a kiss and twined them together with mine, enjoying the sight of Jims smile growing bigger.

"I apoligize, I was just remembering a memory with my mother."

"Speaking of your mother, she arrived a couple minutes ago and oh my god," he placed a hand over his mouth, "she brought her casserole. Baby, I don't think I can last until dinner with your mom's food taunting me everywhere I go."

My hand slid down to my lovers lower back, gently guiding him towards the door, "Then let us not keep our guests waiting."

Jims grip on my hand tightened as he beamed, "Or the food!"

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