It's Three A.M.

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A/N SO LET'S JUST PRETEND FOR A BIT. What if little Spock and his parents went to Earth to visit some of Spocks mums relatives but ended up staying there permanently (until Spock got a little older) and just so happened to be little Jims neighbors?

So, for the sake of this chapter, Jim and Spock have known each other for, like, two years or so and are now fifteen and sixteen. Spock being the older one.

Hope you enjoy!

----Spocks POV----

"Spock, why are you meditating at three in the morning?" the familiar blonde asked me, his attire suggesting he just got out of bed. He had on a black t-shirt that looked way too big for him and zebra patterned pajama pants that slightly covered his dirt covered sneakers.

I looked up from the floor, speaking in a whisper, "Jim, I believe the question that should be asked is why are you climbing through my window at three in the morning?"

"Touche," he stated quietly, climbing the rest of the way through my window carefully, making sure to not wake my parents, whose room was just across the hall.

Once crouched in front of me, I could see a new bruise starting to form around Jim's eye, making me have a bitter taste in my mouth. Not noticing my clenched jaw, or pretending not to notice, he whispered to me, "I couldn't sleep. Wanna come to the hill with me?"

Fighting the urge to bring up the new bruise, my gaze met his as I whispered back, "Although I appreciate your visits, Jim, I'd highly advise that you walk back to your house and get some restful sleep. Maybe even call your mother."

Jim had sat down criss-crossed in front of me and waited patiently for me to finish. When I did, he looked at me and said with a smirk, "Buuut?"

Not being able to contain a sigh that left my lips, I said, "However, you never fail to dismiss my advice the moment you receive it. Having said that, let me change my attire." Uncrossing my legs, I walked over to my wardrobe to change my sleeping robes to more casual wear.

There was a quiet cheer from behind me as Jim whispered, "You're the best." Then chuckled when I just hummed in reply.


After having changed my clothes and making it safely outside through my window, as Jim repeatedly said was the "cooler" way of exiting my house, we started making our way to the familiar dirt hill that served as our place to relax.

A little ways away from my two story house, Jim had linked arms with me, careful not to touch my hand, (ever since the little "accident" that took place two months in first knowing Kirk, he has always remembered not to touch my hands) and started conversating on the very visible stars in the night sky.

Although my father would be very displeased with these certain displays, I continued walking with him, arms linked, and added my own thoughts on the subject here and there. Most of the time, however, I enjoyed just listening to Jim talk as we made our way to the familiar hill.

When we had arrived at our destination, Jim unlinked our arms and plopped down on the dirt floor, not caring in the least about his now dusty pajama pants.

Taking a seat next to the blonde, I felt him lean against my shoulder as he asked quietly, "So, wanna tell me why you were meditating so late? Don't you Vulcans care about 'good health' or whatever?"

My eyes stayed on the night sky as I stated simply, "I had a lot on my mind."

Jim hummed beside me as I heard him whisper, "You mean your Dad?" When I nodded, he let out a sigh and stated, "Your dad's kind of a dick."

I felt my lip quirk up, but pushed it down almost immediately, "Not as much as your step-father. I still believe you should send a message to your mother."

The blonde once again hummed in reply and let out a quiet, "Maybe."

The next six minutes were spent looking at the sky with Jim leaning on my shoulder, not saying a word. I suspected he had a lot of thoughts going through his head, so I let him be until I found it necessary for conversation again.

I found it necessary for conversation only a short while of silence later. So, I asked Jim why he wouldn't call his mother.

He sighed beside me and sat up straight, turning slightly to face me, "You know how emotional mom was before step-douche moved in with us?" When I nodded, he continued, "Well, she doesn't start suddenly sobbing anymore and can finally look at me without having to force a smile. I don't know how, but that man is able to keep my mom emotionally stable and happy. He's been able to do that for years, thats why they got married in the first place," he stated bitterly, his gaze moving from my face to his hands.

"I can't take that away from her, Spock. Not after all the shit she's been through," he said after a short pause, his eyes meeting mine again.

I'm not sure why but I felt myself compelled to try and make Jim see a more logical point of view on the subject. "What about what you have been through, Jim? Surely you deserve better than the current situation you find yourself in."

Jim sighed deeply beside me and returned to leaning against my shoulder, "I don't know, Spock."

After a moment he nodded, "Alright, I'll call her in the morning."

"I am pleased to hear this, Jim. Thank you."

Jim's head turned so he was looking up at me, he stopped suddenly. "Are.....are you....smiling?" He let out a gasp as I quickly forced my small but visible smile away, already knowing I'll never hear the end of it.

As I stared off into the night sky, trying to ignore Jim's chuckling, I was caught by surprise when I felt warm lips make contact with my cheek. Turning my head sharply toward Jim I saw him give a short laugh and look at the twinkling stars around us.

"Thank you, Spock. You aren't as bad as your dad says you are," he whispers, leaving me feeling warm inside. This time however, I didn't push down the feeling. Instead, I welcomed it with slightly hesitant arms and enjoyed the feeling while it lasted, no matter how much my mind was telling me no.


A/N Okay! Not the best, I know. BUT I wanted to finish this before I would be in a place without wifi again so I could post it without having you guys wait too long. If you were upset about how Spock was like "Oh, feelings are okay for this one moment" literally all I have to say is I was trying to write him in "youth" years. Ya know, hormones and shit are active and he can't be all logical with Jim as his bro.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one!

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