Bones is Getting Tired of This

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I swear to god if he isn't already dead, I'm going to kill him.

Spock and a small group of scientists had beamed down on a harmless unfamilair planet to take samples of the life forms that covered the landscape. Which sounds innocent enough, unless you're apart of the god damn Enterprise.

So, as fate would have it, after just a few hours of the individuals working, one of the members reported that Spock suddenly passed out, resulting in him being immediately beamed up and sent to sickbay.

All while this was happening, I was desperately trying not to slip and break my neck leaving the shower. By the time I finally got on a pair of sweats and a dark green t-shirt, I was sprinting through the halls with still drenched hair.

Narrowly missing the entrance to where Spock was being held, I skidded to a halt and ran through the sliding doors that were just barely fast enough in opening. Already Bones was waiting behind them and, to my displeasure, had a perfect stance for grabbing my arm and halting my advances.

"Take it down a notch, Jim. He's fine. The plants that had been around him gave off a tranquilizer of sorts. Two other members of the landing party just got beamed up with the same symptoms."

"Okay, but-"

Forcing me to meet his gaze, Bones said in a soft tone, "Let him sleep. I'll let you know when he wakes up, alright?"

Suddenly, he looked up at my hair and grimaced, "For now, go dry your hair. You look like a wet rat."

Although everything in my body was screaming for me to push Bones away and catapult myself into the room that held the Vulcan, I forced a breath to leave my mouth and nodded.

"Alright. But I'll be back in five minutes."


"Five minutes!"


After waiting outside of the medbay for half an hour, much to Bones pleasure, said doctor finally walked through the door and bluntly said, "He's awake."

Not even realizing I had gotten up and all but forced myself through the doors, I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Spock. He looked well rested, and totally oblivious to the amount of anxiety he had given me.

When his eyes found mine, they softened, "Hello, T'hay'la."

"You fucker," I snapped, already making my way to him and crashing into his embrace, snaking my arms around his waist and resting my cheek on his chest.

While one hand held my waist, the other ran its fingers through my hair gently, "I apoligize for causing you discomfort."

"It's alright. Just try not to do it again, okay? I'm getting wrinkles because of you."

Lifting my head up to gaze up at Spock, I felt a smirk tug at my lips as his hand gently lifted my chin higher, his low voice sending shivers down my spine, "I'll try to the best of my abilities."

Closing the distance between us, I smiled into the kiss, finding Spock's other hand and gently connecting our fingers.

"Oh jesus- see this is why I can't leave the two of you alone for more than two minutes," grumbled the response behind us, resulting in our kiss being broken and a chuckle leaving my lips. "In my work area? Seriously?"

"Would you like to join the fun, Bones?" I teased, laughing when I turned to see the man's horrified expression.

"Jim, one day I'm going to quit and get a restraining order against you. There's only so much of you two I can handle at a time, and this is testing the limits."


Short and uneventful, I know, but I'm having a hard time writing so there's that. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter.

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