Fairy no more/Rogue Cheney part 1

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Warnings: Feelings, slight mature content
This will by my interpretation of what happened the year Natsu left
This couldn't be happening, it's just a a bad dream all of it. It was the day after faces were destroyed and tartaros had fallen and now master....
" no master please you can't" I cry the rest of fairy tail either crying or trying not to
" I'm sorry Y/N but it's final" Makarov doesn't meet our eyes
" YOU CANT DISBAND FAIRY TAIL ITS ALL MOST OF US HAVE KNOWN" I scream he faces me as I fall to my knees crying my outburst caused almost everyone to cry including Laxus
" this is all I know I was raised in fairy tail" my parents dumped me on fairy tails doorstep and Makarov raised me as his own along side laxus
" I'm sorry my child but it's done" he had tears streaming down his face, from my spot on the floor I throw my hand up in the fairy tail sign everyone follows as I stand
" Fairy tail may not be a proper guild anymore but I will still wear my mark in pride I will always be a fairy tail member in my heart and when we all go our seperate ways we will live in each other's hearts always" I say I gets sobs and mumbles of agreements as slowly everyone goes there sperate ways
" you should go to sabertooth you'll be safe there" Makarov says as I'm the last one there
" I will master......gramps be careful" I say turning and walking to my apartment and begin packing my things and calling ahead to a place I found in crocus since it was were sabertooth was and found a quick place and called a carriage. Moving my things I tell the man the address and we set off, I sit in the back  and let myself cry into my large jacket while starting at my black and blue fairy tail mark on my hand.
" miss were here" I blink my eyes the man smiles and helps me out then proceeded to help me move in and I pay him. I change into some warm clothes since it was winter

I sigh and pick up the keys my new landlord gave me and head out to sabertooth

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I sigh and pick up the keys my new landlord gave me and head out to sabertooth. After a while of walking I stand in front of the giant guild and push open the doors, people cast occasional glances as I walk over the a blonde I believed was the master sting, I reconise Minerva immediately
" Y/N what are you doing here" she stands as I fight to keep my tears from falling the group she was with turn and face me as I loose the internal batting and hiccup as tears fall fresh again, Minerva hugs me
" what wrong" she asks
" fairy tail..." I start choking on tears the entire guild was now quiet
" I had no where else to go" I whisper and she clicks on to what I meant
" fairy tail has been disbanded" Minerva says loudly gasps and murmurs full the room
" what do you meet it's been disbanded" The blonde yells
" Sting stop can't you see how heart broken she is" and Blackette boy says as a cat with a pink frog onesie flies up to me and hugs my neck I didn't care anymore I let the waterfall of tears leave my eyes as maroon cat joins his friend
" you will always have a place here, Yukino" she starts but the white haired girl had already shown up with the guild marker
" makarov said I'd be safe here" I say pulling back and wiping my eyes
" of course you will fairy tail was our friend" the blonde smiles and I stick out my hand for the girl to mark she smiles and does the same colour as my fairy tail mark I smile admiring the saber mark
" thank you" I whisper Minerva smiles
" you saved my life now I'm helping you in return" she smiles
" this blonde idiot is sting that's his partner rogue and the two cats are frosh and lector, this is yukino Orga and Rufus" she points out to the group and I hug the cats back they smile at me and Lector moves back to the table but frogs stays and falls asleep in the hood of my coat as I sit with Minerva and sigh resting my head in the table
" you ok now" I look up and it was the black haired male
" Rogue right" he nods placing a plate in front of me and sitting with me I smile pick a chop of the plate moving it so he could have some as well
" yeah I'm feeling a little better now that I have Minerva and you guys" I sigh and frosh wales moving to sit in the little place between my arms and munched on a chip
" it's hurts so much" I whisper tears falling again rogue places a hand over mine I look at him he had a warm smile on his face
" you will have sabertooth now, we can't replace your family bond with fairy tail but know you can always count on us when you need it" I look at me and smile
" thank you" I say. And from that day forth sabertooth became my new home, I heard that a few of the fairy tail members had joined other guilds and Natsu had left with nothing more than a letter left for Lucy. I stayed in contact with Bisca and Alzack since I baby sat Asuka for them other wise I hadn't heard a lot from most.
A year later
" babe you there" a voice snapped me out of my trance I hum and look up
" oh sorry I was just thinking" I smile and rogue laughs a little
" I said do you want to go on a job with me and sting" he asks I shake my head
" sorry hun I promised Bisca I would watch Asuka today while here worked" he smiles and presses a kiss to my lips before leaving frosch in my care along with lector and walks out with sting. I smile and grab my bag and the two cats follow me out as I make my way throw the bustling city of crocus to a small cottage outside of the city and knock on the door
" Y/N" a small black haired girl jumps into my arms as I enter
" hey Asuka how are you" Bisca smiles at me
" thanks for this I know you wanted to be with rogue" she says as Alzack enters
" it's fine I needed a break from the guild anyway" she nods in understanding as it has been exactly a year since fairy tail disbanded and I needed some distraction
" alright we're off see you two later" They e it and I turn to Asuka
" let's go gdt some ice cream" I say she nods and goes to grab her jacket and Lector jumps into her arms as frosch jumps into mine and I grab her hand as I lock the door behind me and we go into crocus for ice cream
I smile as Asuka sleeps peacefully in her bed and I hear the door open and I walk out
" thank you for that" I wave the parents off and smile
" it's was nothing, she's asleep I have to get back before rogue comes looking for me" I smile and walkout with the two exceeds flying beside me and I see rogue already half way to the cottage
" hey how was the job" I ask linking my hands with his and Lector takes frosch back to the guild
" it's was good I'm takeing you to dinner" he says smiling softly I nod and pull my hand from his wrapping my arms around his arm and resting my head against his arm as we walk into a semi fancy restaurant
" name please" the hostess asks
" Cheney please" she smiles and leads us to a table and he pulls the chair out for me then pushes it in
" order whatever you want" he says as the waiter comes over with menus
" what can I get for you two today" the waiter seemed to have a knowing look in his eyes when he meets rogues eyes
" could I get the chicken Kiev's with garlic butter and mash please with a glass of coke" I say he writes it down and turns to rogue
" a medium rare steak with veggies and mash also with a coke" rogue closes the menu and the waiter takes them leaving and I turn to rogue suspicion in my mind
" what's the matter my love" he asks I smile
" nothing thank you for this" I whisper he smiles
" you need it I know how hard today can be for you" I smile as our food and drink arrive and we start eating in a comfortable silence
After finishing dinner rogue said he ordered me a special dessert
" our really didn't have to" I say as the chocolate cheesecake is placed in front of me I go to pick up the fork he stops me
" turn it around" I furrow my brows and do so. I gasp as I cover my mouth. There sitting in front of the cake was a simple diamond engagement ring with the words will you marry me in chocolate sauce
" rogue I" the words couldn't for as he picks the ring up and gets on one knee in front of me the restaurant was now quiet
" on this same day last year you come into sabertooth heartbroken and completely alone now one year later a smile that could light up the room has always graced your face when your with us and I couldn't be more happier to call you my girl but I want more than that I want to be able to wake up beside you and call you my wife" he leans up taking my hand as tears fell
" please say yes" he whispers and I nod my head yes continuesly he smiles slipping the ring on my finger picking me up and spinning around as the restaurant bursts into cheers and clapping as he kissed me
" I love you" I say he smiles
" I love you to" he repeats
After the excitement cooled down rogue had the dessert placed in a container and we walked back to the guild to give them the news but when we walk in all eyes stray to us and Minerva had a letter in her hand
" what's up" I ask she sighs and holds it out to me
" it came for you" when I take it, I slightly go wide eyed at the wax stamp as it was the fairy tail mark and I tip it open and pull out the letter, the writing I could already reconise as Lucy's
Dear Y/N
It's been a year since I had last heard from you or I had written a letter to you but your not going to believe what happened today.
Natsu's back and not alone the entire guild was with him. Y/N fairy tail is back and we're missing the last piece to the giant family puzzle fairy tail is. You, when your ready come home ok we will be waiting
From Lucy and fairy tail
I let out a small whimper
" who was it" rogue asks
" it's Lucy Natsu and fairy tail are back" I sigh as everyone watched me as I look him in the eye
" and they want me home"

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