loving you both/Lyon Vastia&Gray fullbuster

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Warnings: Mature content, threesome, swearingY/N P

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Warnings: Mature content, threesome, swearing
I sigh watching Gray and Lyon fight over something this is the third time today
" what are they fighting about" I ask Juvia who was heart eying Gray as usual
" no idea" she says smiling as they both walk this way
"What are you two argueing over this time" I ask raising an eyebrow at the pair of ice wizards
" nothing" they both mutter Juvia latches onto Gray whining and I let out an involuntary growl making her run, no matter how much she loves Gray she knows that not to get on my bad side
" what's your problem" Lyon asks watching me
" nothing" I spat he leans back casting a glance at his friend with a worried expression Gray shrugs
" Y/N LETS FIGHT" Natsu yells I look over glaring
" try your luck I'll back you in half" I growl not really in the mood for anything
" jeez what's got you so pissed off" Gray mutters
" Gray Lyon a word" Gajeel mutters they follow and they all head upstairs to talk
Lyon's P.O.V
" I'd be very careful around Y/N for the next 2 weeks" Gajeel says leaning against the door
" what's up with her" Gray asks she has been acting weird
" your aware she is a demon slayer yes" we both nod
" like dragon slayers they go through a mating season except demon slayers are 10 time worse than dragon slayers and there very blunt with what hey want so like I said be careful" he says leaving Gray and I
" well that explains the mood swings" I say gray chuckles
" no shit Lyon" he shakes his head I blink at him slightly as he runs his fingers through his hair he catches me staring I look away and walk out and see Y/N still in her spot
" how are you feeling" I ask sitting across from her she looks up at me
" like shit Lyon how are you" she grumbles
" if you want to talk about anything I'm here" I say she sighs
" I've managed to fall in love with two guys and I'm pretty sure neither like me back" I clench my jaw at the thought of who she likes as Gray slides in next to me
" I'm sure that's not true" Gray mutters as we both recall our last conversation
Flash back
" we can't both like her Gray" I growl as I glare at the mage
" well apparently we both do" he returns the gaze as we both sigh
" why does this have to be so difficult" I mutter, I notice gray smirking
" what's that look for" he leans in so close I could feel his breath on my face
" we could always share" he says quietly I let out a chuckles
" are you implying that you like me as well" I move so we were almost connected at he lips
" maybe" he smirks wondering off to sit with Y/N I chuckle again
Oh Gray what have you done
Flashback end
I chuckle as his hand grazes mine ever so slightly, I cast a glance his way but his eyes stayed on Y/N
" you know I want ice cream, you guys wanna join" she asks standing we both nod and stand walking on either side of her. We end up at her apartment
" I thought we were going for ice cream" I ask she smirks
" we are I have lots of ice cream here" she says walking in gray shuts the door as Y/N drops her things on the small table near the door and walks into the kitchen both gray and I remove out coats with hers and follow she had three bowls set out with different flavours of i ce cream
" enjoy there is sauce in the pantry" she points as she moves to the lounge we both grab a bowl and sit on the long couch while she sat on a recliner
" what is with you two it's like you two are a couple or something" she mutters with ice cream in her mouth
" is that a problem" I ask as Gray furrows his brows
" no not really" she smirks
" what's that look" gray asks finishing his ice cream
" nothing both need to worry your pretty little heads over" she replies her eyes had darkened a significant amount to almost black
" I don't tuning I like the way your watching us" I say standing picking up grays bowl and taking them back to the kitchen and return to the lounge to find Y/N standing
" you think I didn't here your fight earlier" both  gray and I go red as she laughs
" you know I wouldn't mind sharing" she tilts her head as she prowls towards me with lethal grace hooking a finger in the waist band of my pants and pulling me to the couch gray moved to the recliner as she pushes me into the couch and crawls over me
" you both seem like a lot of fun" she whispers her teeth grazing over my neck making me moan a little
Lyon lets out a tiny moan I chuckle slightly
" you know Gray and I spoke about this a few hours before you showed up today and it's not me who's being shared" I whisper and I could feel the shudders you donw his spine
" you both planned this" Lyon mutters I laugh as Gray chuckles
" we sure did" gray says leaning back into the recliner
" what are your thoughts right now Lyon let me inside that head of yours" I whisper leaning up tilting my head
" I don't know what to think" he smirking lightly
" so your not going to say no" I ask
" I think I'll rather enjoy this" he lays back down with a raised eyebrow I slip my hand under his top and fight it off gray moves over to help while nipping at Lyons neck since he was only in his underwear now that was less work for me
" jeez" Lyon grunts as Gray bites down not enough to draw blood but enough to leave a pretty good mark and I feel him harden underneath me
" someone is happy" I smirk shifting so I was sitting between his legs now and I start palming him through his pants Lyon shifts and moans
" if you want more strip" I snark he strand and I move over to straddle Gray who had a smirk on his face as I press my lips to his, he strand and my back is pressed into Lyons chest and I feel both men nip either side of my neck I moan and shift again grays torso
" who's enjoying this now" Gray laughs I growl
" dont test me Gray" I run my fingers over his neck wrapping my hand around his through slightly
" the bedroom might be better" I say moving away and grabbing both boys who were very hard now as they erectioms pressed against there boxers I push open my door to my bedroom which had a massive king sized four poster bed. I let gray go and push Lyon into the bed and strip leaving me in with my panties as I unclasp my bra dropping it. I smirk as Lyon practically drools at the sight of my soft mounds
" I'm going to enjoy this" I smirk as Gray sits in the chair next to my bed and pulls his boxers and starts slowly pumping himself
" looks painful" I mutter as I pull Lyons boxers down allowing his member free from its cage I tell the ice mage to move up further onto the bed he shifts till his head rests on my pillow
" you two are teases" Lyon mutters I smirk wiggling my panties down and I crawl onto the bed over his hardened member and grasping it with one hand and beckoning gray over with the over he sets himself behind me and starts kissing my neck while his member poked my back entrance slightly. I pump Lyon and he hisses in pleasure, I grab his head and pull him on his knees while guiding his member to my wet core and Gray was at my back hole his tip now pushed in
" don't be shy Lyon" I whisper he smirks and looks at he other ice mage then both men slam into me at the same time making me scream
" oh god" I gasp as they were pounding in at an inhuman speed, Lyon had shifted onto his back with me riding him as Gray slammed into me from behind I lean down and kiss Lyon while shoving my tongue in his mouth fighting for dominance obviously with me winning before leaning back up and tilting grays head and kissing him and it seemed that Lyon was enjoying the sight. After what seemed like forever I feel the boys both twitch as they both were getting sloppy and a familiar knot snaps in my stomach and I release my juices over Lyon and they both release inside me, they both pull out as I role in between the pair as they lean forward and kiss I move onto the seat and watch them make out till Lyon grabbed Gray by his over sensitive member making the mage grunt and his legs shook as Lyon pushed him into the bed
" well what a lovely turn of events" I smirk as they both glance at me before Lyon bites done on his neck and they both went at it showing the other no mercy
I smirk as I watch them with a tilted head
The next morning
I stretch from inbetwen the boys who were both passed out. After they had there rounds I got tied and we all passed out. I slip out from between them and pull on a pair of clean panties and Lyons shist since o had no clue were grays were and I walk to the kitchen
" seriously you guys" I mutter as Erza Mira and sherry sat at my table with knowing smirk
" have fun last night" Sherry asks I smirk
" quiet a lot I mean one ice mage is good but two ohh it's heaven" I laugh they join in
" and it seems they enjoyed themselves with each other as well" I say they all raise an eyebrow
" seriously" Erza asks I nod
" I say out after I had my go and I quiet enjoyed the sight" I say
" your demons are horney bastards" Mira laughs I nod
" we certainly are" we hear the door open and the first of the pair emerges
" Morning Gray Lyon still asleep" he grunts as we see Lyon push the black haired mage out of the way and attacked my coffee maker
" did I forget to mention he's not a morning person" Sherry laughs I shrug
" morning" Gray mitters dropping a kiss on my shoulder before taking the second cup from a grumpy Lyon us girls all crack up in laughs before the three stand to leave
" will we see you three today" Erza asks I shake my head now with a smirk
" get out" Lyon mutters kissing my shoulder also while glaring at the group and they all leave
" weres my cup" I ask the boys look at each other and gray gets me a mug of coffee and they take seats next to each other I watch them as gray lays against Lyons chest
" you two are the cutest" i laughs as they playfully glare. I smile and close my eyes finishing my coffee and standing only to have them stop me with grins I smirk knowing where this was going as they cart me off back to the bedroom

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