Your a cat/Midnight/macbeth part 2

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Warnings:Mature content
I yawn and stretch my arms and sit up looking at midnights side of the bed and it was empty as usual I frown and get up changing into some cute clothes meredy bought me

VI yawn and stretch my arms and sit up looking at midnights side of the bed and it was empty as usual I frown and get up changing into some cute clothes meredy bought me

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I brush out my hair ears and tail and apply some lip gloss and exit the room to find my lover who was sitting at the kitchen table with Cobra and angel

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I brush out my hair ears and tail and apply some lip gloss and exit the room to find my lover who was sitting at the kitchen table with Cobra and angel. I pull out a chair and slip in next to midnight rubbing my head against his arm in an attempt to get him to let me
" not now I'm busy" he snaps not looking at me I whimper and back away I look over at angel who smiles sadly and pats the seat next to her, I sit beside her and she rubs my head making me purr and lean into her touch
" Y/N I need to go into town do you want to come with me and jellal" cobra asks I nod
" I need some more female products so I'll ask Meredy to also join" he nods and goes to let jellal know I cast one more glance at my lover who still had his gaze glued to his work I frown
" it's going to be ok" Angel whispers as we both stand and exit the room I stop and look back hoping he'll look but he doesn't so I sigh in defeat and meet up with Cobra and jellal who was waiting for me with meredy
" still not giving you attention" Jellal asks I shake my head as we walk into town. The town we stay at is not turning us in because we save there lives so they let us stay
" does he not love me anymore" I whisper thinking of what I could have done to make him not love me
" Y/N stop this thoughts right now, Midnight loves you he's just stressed" Cobra says grabbing my shoulders looking at me I nod and grab meredy hand and we go our seperate ways for a little while
" Meredy" she stops and looks at me
" what's up" she asks I point at the shop we stopped in front of she raised an eyebrow then smirks as she yanks me in
2 hours later
We meet up with the boys and meredy still had that smirk on her face Cobra had a knowing smirk on his face but jellal still was confused
" I have a way to make him less stressed" I say as we enter and angel walks in with a raised eyebrow at meredy and cobras smirk, Midnight, sawyer and ultear follow as I grab my bags and skip past the group back to mine and midnights shared room and I stay putting things away in our bathroom replacing empty containers with full ones and then I glance at the last bag and sigh I was really hopping this would work. I hear the door open and midnight enters pulling his coat off and then looks at me, I look away fighting tears.
" I'm sorry for snapping at you Y/N, Cobra told me you thought I didn't love you" i wraps his arms around me sighing into my neck
" please don't ever think that of course I love you it's just all this paperwork is bugging me that's all" I turn and face him burying my face in his chest
" it's ok" I whisper he glances at the bag on the bed and raises an eyebrow
" what's in the bag" he goes to look I yelp and hold it to my chest he looked confused
" it's a surprise for later" I say nervously
" ok well I'm going for a nap you wanna join" he says pulling his shirt shoes and pants off and slips into bed I shake my head
" I'll join later" I say leaving the room after shutting the blinds and grabbing the bag going to Angels room were she sat with Meredy and Ultear
" so you going to show us or what" I pull out the surprise and they all giggle
" well we're all going out beside you and midnight so you'll have the house to yourself" they say and I nod
After everyone leaves
I set the table and sigh
" what's this" I see midnight standing there
" well everyone went to dinner so I cooked for you" I say my dress flowing around my knees he smiles and moves to kiss me then pulls out my seat then takes his and we start eating
" I'll be back in a second" I stand and leave to our bathroom
I really hope he likes his present
After changing I head back down stairs Midnight had cleared and cleaned the table and had his back to me I sigh
" midnight" he hums turning around before going wide eyed

 " I'm sorry for snapping at you Y/N, Cobra told me you thought I didn't love you" i wraps his arms around me sighing into my neck" please don't ever think that of course I love you it's just all this paperwork is bugging me that's all" I turn and...

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He opens his mouth then closes it before blinking
" oh god" he mutters as I can see himself hardening at the sight of me. I had a black bell collar that chimmed when I moved my ears had black bows clipped just underneath them my tail fluttered also with a black bow tied around the end, the strings of my panties had paws on them and my bra was a sheer see through showing my soft mounds and perky nipples to him. I let out a purr and slowly move over to him
" pet me" I whisper tilting my head looking up at him he blinks petting my head I smile and purr more. I grab his hand and stop his movements peering down at me he tried not to look at my boobs that were pressed against his chest my warm heated core so close to his erection
" not that way master" I tilt my head his breaths become shallow, this isn't the first time we have had sex but I'm never really this daring usually he takes complete control but not tonight
" Y/N..." he groans as I start slowly palming his hard member
" you have been so stressed lately but I can help with that" I hook my finger into the waist band of his pants and lead him to the bedroom smirking the entire way up
" let me pleasure you master" I Sweet talk him as I slowly undo the buttons of his shirt and running my fingers over his chest over his abs
" oh jeez" he mutters and I sip my hand into his pants and grasp him he was really rock hard
" strip and lay down" I command after removing my hand he does. As his head hits the pillows he watches me as I crawl over and sit in between his legs and take him in my hand
I smile as he withers under my touch and I take the tip of his cock in my mouth and slide my lips down till he hits the back of my throat, gagging I pump the rest of him as I bob my head, Midnight groans and grasps my hair and thrusts his hips up making him hit the back of my throat and I gag against the movement and I feel him twitch and I start moving faster sucking harder he lets out a stream of moans
" I'm going to" I try talking but the vibrations send him over the edge and he shots his load down my throat. I release him with a pop lick up the remaining cum off my have and his member he was panting and released my hair as I lean up over him with an innocent smile
" was that alright master" I ask he shifts so he was sitting up making me straddling him he had a warm smile
" your turn" he whispers before smirking I furrow my brows and he leans over to the bed side table and I go wide eye at the gigantic dildo he pulls out
" what you think your the only one who thought this" he chucked as he flips us
" your turn to strip" he mutters I slip off my panties and then I clip my bra leaving me bare to him he grins and moves the purple toy to my seeping entrance and pushes it in I gasp as wiggle as he stops and leans up he doesn't remove it but shows me a remote
" I'm going to enjoy this" he smirks turning the toy on I gasp at the vibrations
" m...mid....midnight" I gasp as he pushes it further in until it was almost completely i and it was hitting my G-Spot with no mercy. He turns it up making me scream out as he attacks my nipples smirking at my reaction
" I'm going to cum midnight" I gasp gripping his hair tightly he stops the toy and I whimper as he pulls it out
" as much as I love watching you wither against it I'm going to be the one to make you cum" he puts the toy and remote away then slams into me
" MIDNIGHT" I scream as he shows no mercy
" Macbeth" he mutters I furrow my brows
" call me Macbeth" he replies I nod as I feel myself move closer to my release
" I'm going to" I start and he hits harder
" MACBETH" I scream out as I release he release a second time inside me. He pulls out and falls to the side panting
" I have a feeling I'm not walking probably tomorrow" I say laughing he chuckles and pulls me to him
" thankyou" he whispers I smile
" for what" I ask confused
" for loving me for looking past all my dark past" he looks at me tears threatening to fall I smile
" it should be me thankyou you, you saved my life that day and I couldn't ask for anyone better than you" I kiss him passionately as the front door slams open
" there back" he sighs
" we did lock the door yeah" I ask he shakes his head and he tugs the blanket over us just as the door swung open
" GET OUT" Midnights voice thunders over the room and the door slams shut again with two squeaks and giggles I smile and snuggle into midnights chest
" good night my kitten" he mumbles
" good night my sleepyhead" I say back and we both fall asleep

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