Save my soul/Laxus Dreyar final part

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Warnings: feels
I smile as Laxus feeds Sera her bottle, since I was really tired he offered to bottle feed her untill I got my strength back up, only a select few which included Mira, the thunder legion, Makarov and Erza has come in to meet her and the rest would be introduced when I was ready, evergreen had been glaring at both freed and Laxus since her Bickslow and fredd has come in
" ever you ok do you want to hold her" I ask concerned was she angry Laxus would t let her hold the new born
" no but Laxus has something he needs to talk to you about so Mira and I are going to watch her for a bit and introduce her to the guild" Mira nods dragging Bickslow and Freed our while Laxus heads sera over to Ever before taking a seat near me
" Laxus what's doing in" I ask did I do something
" it's about Freed why he looked as sad as he did" he mutters
" ok did something happen between you two your both still friends right" I ask
" possibly not" I go wide eyed
" what happened" I crawl over and grab his hand
" while I was shopping for the nursery I ran into Freed who was shopping for new rune books and he offered to help set up so I let him. After a while I noticed he had become very nervous and jumpy so I asked him what was wrong and he kissed me" he finished I blink
"" I whisper that's why he was so down
" did you stop him" I ask he nods
" at first I was shocked at first so it went for a few seconds that's when I pushed him away and asked him why he did it because he knew I was with you, he said that he should have been with me not you that you didn't deserve and thrust only he could give me the love I needed" he explained and I could tell he was angry with himself
" you don't regret being with me....right" I whisper he looked at me wide eyed
" your the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/N I wouldn't ask for anyone else. I told him that I loved you and he was nothing more than my friend and that I wasn't going to abandon you never I now have a daughter to spoil and nothing will stop me from being with you" he mutters leaning forward and kissing me
" help me change into some clothes please I'd like to go see Sera" I say he helps me stand and I change into the clothes Mira left for me

Laxus wraps his arm around my waist and we exit walking down the stairs and see Sera cooing at her great grandpa who was on the verge of tears" I see she's already in love with you" I say he nods passing her back to me I see Sorano watching from t...

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Laxus wraps his arm around my waist and we exit walking down the stairs and see Sera cooing at her great grandpa who was on the verge of tears
" I see she's already in love with you" I say he nods passing her back to me I see Sorano watching from the distance
" has Sorano held her yet" I look at Mira
" not yet she seems to afraid to" I nod and walk over
" hey your not going to say hi" I look at the white haired girl, Midnight and Cobra watch with curiosity
" I didn't know if I was allowed to" she whispers I snort and pass the newborn over she stiffens a little bit but relaxes and smiles
" would you mind watching her I have to have a few words with a certain tune mage" I say as I see Freed trying to talk to Laxus who he no interest in the green haired mage
( sorry to all you Fraxus shippers this is going to hit your feels hard)
I walk over and grab Freed by the shoulder before backhanding him across the face and the entire guild goes quiet as I do
" you knew he had a daughter on the way and that I was with him yet you still had to act like a family crasher and pull a stupid stunt like that, your selfish you know that" I start as he drops his head in shame
" you don't go kissing other people's boyfriends specially if they have kids that is rude selfish and your going to get turned down" I say as murmurs fill the halls
" your lucky Ever hadn't gotten to you or even Mira because I can tell you now that what I just did was merciful" I say he nods and rushed from the hall I sigh and turn to face my boyfriend who had a raised eyebrow
" I knew that was coming but he'll it still surprised me" I narrow my eyes he furrows his brows
" I'm taking Sera home" I snap and walk over to Mira taking the bag from her and trueness goin gto Sorano takin Sera and walking out I could hear Laxus follow me but I was just to mad to turn around, I shift her so she was sleeping on my shoulder
" Y/N slow down would you" he catches up and we reach his apartment and he pushes the door open and lets us in then shuts the door then scoops me up and walks us to the nursery
" I'm sorry about Freed I should have felt with him sooner" he sighs and puts me down and I lay Sera in her cot and we walk to our bedroom which was conjoined to the nursery
" I feel bad for slapping him now" I mutter
" don't be it was better than what Mira mad ever had planned for him" he lifts me up and places me on the bed both of us falling asleep
6 years later
Third person
The blonde little girl sits facing the door waiting for it to open knowing her father would return soon from his job with his friends. As he door opens she shoots from her spot
" DADDY YOUR HOME" the 6 year old yells as her father placed his stuff down to pick her up, while her mother waddles out from the kitchen
" there are my two fave girls I love so much" he kisses his wife softly on the lips while placing a hand on her 7 month swollen belly
" how was your job hun" the wife waddles back into the kitchen and finishes off dinner
" it was ok Bickslow couldn't wait to return him to his lovely triplets and ever was excited to see elfman again" Laxus replies as he helps Y/N serve dinner
" and what of Freed any news from him" Y/N asks knowing that Laxus and the two others were missing there dear friend
" he's doing better now he's with blue Pegasus now and apparently has a lovely boyfriend now as well" Laxus says as he helps Sera cut her meat up before going to his own dinner
" I'm happy for him but do tell him he needs to visit sometime and to bring this boyfriend of his" Y/N sassy Laxus smiles and nods as they all eat as a family he was finally happy and he wasn't letting any of it go

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