Save my soul/Laxus Dreyar part 2

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Warnings, swearing, violence, fluffy
You are pregnant in this one and the third part will be about when the kid is born
Y/N P.O.V (4 months pregnant)
I yawn I as stand infront of my full length mirror in just underwear and a sports bra looking at my swollen belly.
" hun are you ready yet" Laxus walks in and smiles as he watches me run a hand over my stomach
" sorry I just" I could express how happy I was the day I found out I was pregnant and poor Laxus
Flash back
" it's positive Mira" I say stating at the test
" that's great now let's go tell Laxus" she says dragging me to him he looks up smiling
" hey babe what's up" he kisses my cheek he then spots the test clutched in my hand
" what's that" he tugs the test out and Makarov looks aged at it as Laxus' jaw drops
" this real" he asks slowly looking at me I nod he blinks
Laxus falls from his chair and faints as he hits the group
" OH GOD LAXUS" Ever yells rushing ove to see her best friend
" is he..." she sees the test and grins
" HEY GUYS LISTEN UP" Ever screams standing on the table most had quietened to see what happened to Laxus others werent paying attention
" looks like we're going to have a mini electric dragon running around because Y/N is expecting" she screams everyone erupts into cheers and congratulations
" Laxus baby are you ok" I say pulling his head into my lap Wendy comes over and smiles
" he's going to be ok I healed his minor concussion" I thank her as his us flicker and he looks at me
" is it really happening" he asks sitting up and facing me I nod again
" you don't know how happy i am" he picks me up spinning me around as more people congratulate us
" so your happy about it" I ask
" of course I'm going to be a dad how could o not be" he kisses me
Flash back end
" baby" Laxus snaps me out of my trance
" sorry let me change" I grab a pair of leggings and then raid laxus' cloths pulling out a large black shirt and slipping it on, he's grown accustomed to me pinching tops since mine are to tight around my stomach
" help me with my shoes" I say pulling out socks and vans he gets on one knee and puts my shoes on for me helping me up and we walk out to the guild. Once we reach the doors he pushes them open only to be met with a table to the face, I gasp as he pushes me behind him
" THAT IS ENOUGH" his voice thunders over the hall making everyone shit up as he leads me in as people part so I can get to the bar safely
" hey where's Kina I have something for her" I ask Mira and she points she's sitting with a maroon haired boy
" hey Kina" I walk over she smiles standing and hugging me
" good him it was Laxus and not you who walked in first" she laughs I shrug
" he treats me as if I'm going to break forgetting in an s-class wizard ( I cant remember if I told you what powers you have so I'm making it you have Shadow death magic) capible of lookingbafter myself" I say sighing
" who are your friends" she smiles
" this is Racer, Hoteye, Midnight, my girl angel and my boyfriend Cobra" she smiles hugging Cobra
" your names are familiar" I say tapping my foot trying to remember where I heard those names
" there ex members of orasion seis" Kina says
" hmm maybe but I swears thats not how I know those names" I furrow my brows thinking
" I'll get back to you on that I have to go smack Laxus" I say watching I'm fight with Natsu
" that's enough" I clip them both over the ear
Flash back
" hey sorano are you ok" past me asks the white haired girl
" yeha im ok" she replies I look at Erik, Richard Macbeth and sawyer
" we're getting outa here soon I can feel it" I say they all look at me
" I know let's have code names" Erik says we all  nod
" I'm gonna be Cobra and I'm naming her Cubellios" he gestured to his pet snake
" I'm going to be Racer" sawyer says
" hoteyes my name what about you sorano" Richard looks at the white haired girl
" Angel cos I'm going to heaven to be one" she says looking at me
" I'm going to be (C/N) what about you Macbeth" I ask he shrugs
" how about Midnight" I say she smiles
" that's cool" he says and we all watch the sun slowly rise which meant hat we would have to get to work soon but for some reason something was going to happen I could feel it
Flash back end
" Y/N HELLO" Laxus waves a hand in front of my face I blink
" sorry what" I ask
" why did you hit us" Natsu asks
" stop fighting" I say slowly walking back to Kina
" you ok girl" Kina asks I shake my head
" I know where I know you all from" I say looking at Angel she tints her head and I brush my hair out of the way to reveal a large scar on my neck she goes wide eye standing pulling my hair away and running a finger over my neck
" is it really you" she asks I nod she hugs me
" no way I bought you were dead" Cobra stands
" I got caught by a dragon as the rocks fell" I say, yes I was a dragon slayer but I didn't finish my training after I got kidnapped but a dark guild
" what are you two on about" Sawyer asks
" it's (C/N)" Angel says thy three boys go wide eyed and now I was crushed between the five getting hugs
" wow who knew we would all be together again" Hoteye says I look at midnight smiling we were the closest since we both had nightmares a lot as kids
" missing you" he says hugging me, I feel Laxus behind me
" hey what's up" I ask he raises an eyebrow
" oh umm we were all at the tower of heaven together" I say softly he nods as Erza stares
" you were there" she asks me
" yeah we were on the south side" I say she smiles
" I knew there was something about you" Erza says as she walks away I sigh
" that means you know about Kinas shifting magic" Cobra asks I furrow my brows and Kina gets nervous
" actually I haven't told her yet" Kina says they all go wide eyed
" shifting magic" I ask confused she sighs then disappears in a cloud of purple smoke and revealing
" AHHHH" I scream stumbling back as Cubellios say in her spot, Laxus catches me
" sorry" Kina says returning to normal laughing I stare at her, I had spent so much time with Kina I bought she would have told me
" why was I the last to know" I ask tears filling my eyes
" Y/N I..." I turn and bury my face into Laxus' coat
" don't worry it's pregnancy hormones" he says
" Y/N how about a cheeseburger and onion rings" Kina asks I turn slightly
" with Nutella" she nods laughing I smile as she walks away
" Laxy can I have your coat" I ask
" I told you not to call me that" he grumbles only making me cry again
" ok ok sorry here have my coat" he starts trying to stop my crying as he puts his coat around my shoulders and sits me next to angel
" I'll be back in a bit, if you need anything tell Evergreen she'll let me know" he kisses my forehead and walks off wth Bickslow and Freed
" sorry for crying" I mutter they all laugh
" pregnancy hormones getting to yah" Angel asks I nod as Kina places my cheeseburger and onion rings in front of me the rings were coated in Nutella I happily munch away as they all stare at me like I grew two heads
" what there good" I saymidnight reaches o we and plucks one off my plate and throws it in his mouth
" she's not lying there not to bad" he answers after swallowing, only Cobra and Angel were the other two to try they disagreed with Midnight so the others didn't try
" EVERGREEN" I yell she comes over
" you want anything" she asks
" yeah tell Laxus to hurry his sorry ass otherwise I pulverise him" I say munching on my burger she nods laughing and walking away
" your a bitch you know" Cobra says I narrow my eyes and Kina slips away as does midnight and sawyer
" what did you call me" I growl he goes wide eyed and starts sweating
" I ugh haha" he scratches the back of his neck and a large trendle of darkness yanks him form his seat and starts throwing him like a ball until Laxus yanks him down and picks me up
" leave the poor man alone obviously he's never dealt with a pregnant girl before" Laxus says wrapping His coat losely around my swollen stomach and rocks me slightly putting me to sleep in seconds
Laxus' P.O.V
she falls asleep in my arms as I raise an eyebrow at Kina
" I'd get him under control before she ends up losing she'd shit" I say walking out. Once getting home I lay her down on he bed with my coat still on and she stays asleep as I walk out to make something to eat
" Laxus" I hear after a while I get some chips from the pantry and walk back to the bedroom she was sitting up and yawning
" come nap with me" she whines insight stippimf to my boxers then I slip on some sweat pants and slip into bed and pull Y/N with me she shifts getting comfortable then we both fall asleep
5 months later
I was trying to walk through the guild to the bar and I lean across the door to talk to Mira
" hey were is Laxus" I ask she smiles
" he had to go out for a bit, Freed is with him" she replies i nod sad he didn't tell me he was leaving
" Hey N/N" Sorano says as I attempt to sit down and sigh
"I'm going to kill that electric blonde bastard" I mutter Cobra laughs
" he'll be back soon" he says I sigh as he doors open and Laxus walks in with Freed following looking like a kicked puppy
" hey sorry had to get some final touches for our baby girl" he mutters kissing my head, a few months back Mira held a gender reveal party, and Laxus it what he wanted, a little princess to spoil
" it's ok but what's up with Freed he looks like a kicked puppy" I ask Laxus grumbles as Cobra let's out a slight growl
" don't worry about it I'll tell you later" I nod as he walks away and then turn my attention to the growling dragon slayer
" hey what's up" he snaps his gaze to me and shakes his head
" I'll let Laxus tell you" I nod and stand but then a wet feeling fell down my legs
" Angel" I gasp as a contraction hit me making me grind my teeth
" Y/N" she stands then see the puddle
" shit LAXUS" she screams he comes running as I get another contraction
" Mira Y/N's water broke" he yells picking me up and running for the infirmary. Polyusia was eating for us as she interrupts Laxus to get my pants and underwear off and to stay by my side
As she tells me to push people in the guild hall all gonsilent and are awaiting the arrival of the newest fairy tail guild member. I vaguely remember pushing and polyusia birthing the baby as pain strikes through my body as I squeeze Laxus' hand, he yelps and I'm pretty sure I broke his hand.
Her screams fill the room after 4 hours of long labour, Wendy healed Laxus' hand which turned out I did break it, polyusia for the first time I had seen her had a smile graced upon her lips and Makarov enters to meet his new great granddaughter
" she's so beautiful" Laxus says already in love with his baby girl, she had his bright blue eyes and my (H/C) hair makingbher a perfect mixture  of us both
" she is" I whisper as she is placed on my bare chest
" I bought some clothes for you" Mira says coming in with a bag and then looks at our girl, her eyes fill with tears as she looks at her new goddaughter
" she's so cute" she says quietly
" Laxus what are we naming her" I ask he smiles
" how about Sera after your exceed" I look at him smiling through tears
" that's perfect"

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