I can't be loved/Gray Fullbuster

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Warnings: violence, mild mature content
His eyes shined brightly as his hair in the glowing sun, he with a sword of ice me with a death sword, we both were running low on magical energy and I cannot lose to a male weaker than me, he was beneath me but yet I fight him anyway
" your going to lose Gray Fullbuster there is no point surrender now and I shall grant you and your guild mates mercy" I say emotionlessly as he laughs bitterly
" you won't you'll kill us so I will fight" he says as I lash out at him with my shadow whip it wraps around his throat and brings him to his knees as I raise my sword to finish him
" Y/N DONT" Safora yelled
" why should you care or should I" I snap bitterly his guild mates stood beside her
" your nothing more than a traitor Safora you side with these mortals over me" I growl
" listen to me, there here to help us they can save us save you if you let them let me please dear sister" I look at her than the man before me struggling to stay awake I growl and release him, his salmon haired friends raced to pull him away
" they cannot help me Safora you yes me no" I state looking boredly at my nails
" why not" Gray aka but safora answers
" because of her magic she cannot touch anyone without killing them, you crave human contact Y/N and I'm trying to find something that can help" how dare she I let my anger show as my dragon form awakens and lashes out of me before everything goes dark
Gray's P.O.V
Gajeel made an iron stretcher to carry the now sleeping girl
" she must be very deprived of human touch to go this made" I say looking at her sister
" yes she has been deprived of it all her life almost 18 years" everyone gasps
" she claims she cannot be loved because of demon magic so she shuts everyone and everything out but what surprised me was that she showed you emotion" She says looking at me I raised an eyebrow
" what do you mean" Lucy asks
" I'd never seen her look at anyone the she glanced at gray I could tell she didn't want to hurt him but couldn't show weakness that's why she granted you all mercy and spent as much time not killing him" I furrow my brows
" she loooed pretty emotionless to me" Natsu says Safora laughs
" you don't know her like I do Natsu" we all head out to get back to the guild
2 weeks later ( still grays POV)
I see Y/N sitting along at the table to the far back eating I sigh, she avoided everyone but Safora, Mira and the master
" maybe try talking to her Gray" Mira says holding out a plate of food I take it and head over
" Hey" I slide the plate over and sit she raises an eyebrow
" your not here to try and kill me are you because I remember how well it went last time" she say plucking a chip from the plate and putting it in her mouth I watch the movement
" no I'm not thought you looked kinky so I came to say hi" I say leaning back in my chair she grins running her eyes over my body
" well I'm glad you did if I means seeing you stepped to your underwear" she says I look down and groan
" sorry" I mutter
" don't be, your one hot guy to bad my touch would kill you otherwise I'd have a very fun time with you" she says popping another chip in her mouth, this time my eyes watch her soft lips as they curl up into a grin
" I have to go" I say turning so she couldn't see the blush creeping up my face at her comment
" so she talked to you huh" Safora asked
" prettt much though she is very blunt" I say she laughs
" what she say" she asks everyone listens in
" that's she would love to bang me if she wouldn't kill me with her touch" everyone stops talking and Safora goes wide eyed
" what" I ask
" she really likes you gray and that just proved my point" she says looking over at her dad looking sister
" how" Erza asked from jellals side
" she wants someone to love her she wants to be able to hug people give them high fives and hold them when there dad even have someone treat her like a princess but she doesn't say it because she was raised to be emotionless and ruthless by our father" she says softly
" isn't there a spell that could help" Levy asks
" if there is I haven't seen it" safora says sadly
" maybe master may have an idea" Happy says
" already beat you two it kids" he walks over wih a necklace in his hand
" this has been spelled to block her magic when she wears it allowing her physical contact" safora goes wide eyed
" really this will allow my to hug my sister" she asks hopefully he nods, she wasted no time rushing to her sisters side
" Sister I told you that they could help" I look at safora whe held a necklace in her hand
" what on earth is that" I ask
" it's been spelled to allow you to have physical contact with other" he chip I was eating fell from my mouth as I stared at the necklace dangling from her hand
" wha..what no that's impossible you know that" I cry getting up and running from the guild. I make it to South Gate park and sit under a large oak and for the first time in years, let myself cry
After a while footsteps sounded and I look up to find Gray standing in front of me
" what happened to being emotionless" he asks kneing down I wipe my eyes
" even the toughest people cry Y/N it's ok" he says pulling the necklace from his pocket
" get that ways from me" I try to escape but he creates an ice box that I can't escape
" give it a try please, I know your scared going your entire life without a single hug can destroy the toughest of people" I look at him emotion evident on my face I open my mouth but close it and lower my head allowing him to place the shining jewel around my neck before leaning back and watching me. I blink as I feel my power go dormant. I was about to speak when a soft warm hand cradles my face I look up at gray as I fee his other hand lace our fingers together as he pulls me into a hug, I gasp slightly and the unfamiliar feeling before wrapping me arms around him also and leaning completely into the hug. We sit there for a while as he holds me close I slowly fall asleep
Grays P.O.V
I get up slowly and make the cube disappear before heading back the the guild which was now quiet as I enter, everyone seeing the peaceful girl in my arms some smile and other are in awe that the girl from almost 3 weeks ago who was trying to kill me was passed out peacefully in my embrace
" I've never seen her so peaceful" Safora says tears welling up in her eyes
" it worked" Lucy says as Y/N begins to awaken I slip her down my arm still around her waist
" safora" she whispers before pulling  her sister into there first hug
" your so warm" Y/N says
" so are you" safora returns
" this...is nice" she pulls Aways from her sister stepping closer to me as she turn to the rest of the guild
" I oh you all a great apology and a great seat of gratitude, I almost killed yours and yet you fought to help me find peace why" she asks
" because that's what we do for family" Master Makarov says standing on a table the rest of us cheer with it she stares at us with wide eyes I smile and turn her to face me, I trail my fingers over her soft skin before leaning in and pressing my lips softly against hers, i here people cheering around me and I hear safora gasp and squeal, Y/N hands wrap tightly around my waist slipping underneath my shirt running up and down my back as I pull back. She smiles like a complete fool
" I'm going to treat you like the queen you are" I say wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her in the air and spinning her she lets her arms go free in the air as she dips her head back and sighs
She was finally happy for once in her 18 years she lived

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