The toddler/Nalu

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Warnings: not a lot of warnings, fluffy, your a toddler who natsu finds abandoned in a forest and takes you home to Lucy.
Natsu's P.O.V
I've been wondering for a little while through the forest after training that's when I heard the cries, it was a baby so naturally I follow the sounds till I stumble across an abandoned camp and in one of the tents I find a small child who couldn't be older than 1 bundled in a pale pink blanket
" hey little one" I say scooping the small girl in my arms she slowly stops crying and lets out a small hiccup then looks at me waving her small fists in the air
" who would abandon such a cute little one like you" I shift her so she was laying against my chest the see a note sitting next to the basket she was in
To who ever finds this baby
I had no choice but to abandon my child, her name is Y/N and we were under attack and I had to leave her. I'm not coming back so please I ask you look after like she was your own. She is 10 months old and her birthday is (your birthday)
It wasn't signed so I take her home to were Lucy waited for me
" Lucy I have a surprise for you" I say grinning as she pads in before stopping when she sees Y/N
" oh god Natsu who's this" she asks coming over and brushing the little ones hair
" I found her alone in the forest" I say and she leans over or be held by Lucy
" I couldn't leave her it's like there is this force pulling me to look after her and protect her as my own" I say sittingbas Lucy paces lightly in front of me with Y/N cooing at her
" let's go to Master he will know what to do" Lucy says I nod grabbing her jacket and handing it to her then taking Y/N
" she likes you" Lucy laughs as The small child gurgles waving her hands around and reaching at my scarf. I secure her in one arm and lace my fingers with Lucy's and we make our way to the guild and enter. Almost everyone looks as I walk over to master
" who's this Natsu" he asks with raised eyebrows
" I found her in the forest I couldn't leave her alone she's only 10 months old" I say recalling the age on the note and I give it to Makarov
" well it seems she's taken quite the liking to you Natsu" Makarov laughs as she wiggles in my arms so I place her in the bar and she sits there watching me before reaching back for me so I repick her up and she snuggles before going to sleep
" it's almost like my instincts tell me to protect her with everything I have" I mutter
" your dragon nature is taking over, dragons have been known to take in lost children and care for them as there own as it is shown right here" he says I nod before looking at my blonde fiancé
" what do you hunk Lucy" I ask she smiles happily
" you did say you wanted to be a dad didn't you" she smiles as Mira comes over
" Laxus and I have a crib with a few other things you can have from when Lilica was a Bub I'll have him take it over to your apartment for you guys" Mira says before cooing at the sleeping child
" thankyou Mira" Lucy says as she also takes the baby food and hands it to me I smile and sit down at our usual table with Gray,Juvia,Gajeel,Levy and Erza they all watch as I feed Y/N who takes to the spoon easily not creating a mess as I suspected her too
" Gray-Sama I want a baby too" Juvia begs crying and hugging her boyfriend who looks uncomfortable
" don't even ask shrimp" Gajeel says as Levy pulls puppy dog eyes at him
" look what you have done Natsu" Erza laughs I smile at the baby
" your safe now no one will ever hurt you
4 years later
Lucy's P.O.V
I smile as Natsu chases after Y/N who is squealing I press a hand to my swollen stomach feeling a kick
" Y/N Natsu he's kicking" I yell as the two run over
" Daddy lift me up" Y/N asks and he picks her up she leans down replacing my hand and feels the kick she giggles and shifts in Natsu's arms hugging him, she's always been daddies girl
" Mummy why don't I have pink hair like daddy" she asks unexpectedly I look at Natsu who frowns
" because darling you have your grandmothers hair" I say she had pale blonde so she had similar hair to my mother Layla
" but I want pink hair like daddy" she huffs crossing her arms
" how about we get some dye then and dye it pink" Natsu says she starts nodding and they race off to get the semi permanent dye that was kid safe
I smile watching the two as they bicker playfulling
" hey mummy can ask Silvia and Sammy come over as well" she asks for her two best friends Silvia who is Gray and Juvias daughter and Sammy who is Levy and Gajeel's son, after seening Natsu and Laxus with kids they both finally gave in to there girls and gave them what they most desired, children
" we can go see them once your hair is done and how about a little hair cut as well" I suggest she nods and Natsu smiles.
After finishing Y/N's hair we go to the guild and the three 4 year olds were running around with Lilica watching them, Laxus and Mira's 12 year old daughter.
" shes growing up so fast" I say
" she is but we're happy and your glowing so I couldn't be happier" Natsu says kissing me and we receive an ewwwee from the 4 year old trio

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