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Katyas pov:
I guess I haven't really slept in days cause once my head hit the pillows I was out like a light. But I felt so relaxed as Trixies scent was surrounding me, making me feel like she was holding me tightly as I fell asleep in her arms. Oh how I miss her soft touch so so much.

I dreamed that I was on a nice sunny beach watching the sun slowly set, and right next to me Trixie was smiling up at the sky seeing the bright orange and pink colors in her eyes.

"I can't believe I'm finally here with you to experience's so beautiful" she said looking at me and giving me a bright smile. My heart melted seeing her so happy, it all felt so real.

"Yeah it's pretty beautiful...but you know's not as gorgeous as you are.." i softly put my hand on the side of her face as she blushed putting her hand over mine.

"I never wanna leave your side mean so much to me..and I wouldn't trade this moment for anything else in the world.." I held her closer to me and passionately kissed her loving every second of it. And right when I pulled away it was all gone.

I yawned stretching a bit looking at the time. I went wide eyed seeing that I slept about 17 hours, I knocked out at 5pm yesterday and woke up today at 10am. I stared at the clock for a while until I heard the door open and I saw Trixies mom walk in smiling.

"Hey sweetie...I was gonna wake you up earlier but you looked so relaxed so I decided to let you sleep in more..." I sat myself up and yawned rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as she sat at the end of the bed.

"Oh..thanks I really appreciate that Ms Mattel...I-is Trixie ok though?? Please tell me.." I said with concern in my voice. She gave me a big smile and took my hands looking at me with her slightly darker blue eyes.

"She's more then ok baby...she's got a new heart...she's gonna live and be happy with the both of us..." I felt tears well up in my eyes out of happiness. I hugged her tightly and I felt all my problems vanish.

"I was so fucking scared...oh my god she's gonna be baby is gonna live..." I sniffed hugging her more. After a few more minutes she pulled away smiling at me.

"Now...I feel like now we should relax a bit until we see Trixie...and I wanna show you some things get comfy.." she giggled and got up as I situated myself into a comfortable spot in the bed. I held Trixies bear close to me and wrapped one of her blankets around me taking in her sweet scent. Her mom came back after a couple minutes and sat next to me with a small book in her hands.

"I know she's probably gonna kill me after this, but since your family now I just wanted to show you some history of my little Trixie..." I raised a brow as she opened the book showing her holding a little baby.

"This right here is when she first came into the world...and little did I know she would be the light of my life..." she giggled as I awed at the photo.

"Oh my god she was so adorableeeee" Trixies mom nodded and flipped to the next page.

"This is the only family photo I have with her father...he visited twice to see her then never came doesn't matter anyways since Trixie barely remembers him" she shrugged as I looked at her sadly.

"I'm so sorry about that...I didn't know that he left you guys...especially Trixie at an early age..." she looked at me giving me a soft smile and shrugging again.

"I've moved on from him honey, can't be mad at him forever" she said as she flipped to another page.

"Now this...I couldn't really afford a babysitter or anything so I brought her here while I worked...Brenda absolutely loved to play with her..and every time I brought her in Brenda would take her from my arms and I wouldn't see her until my shift was over" she giggled pointing to a photo of a younger Brenda hugging baby Trixie.

"I knew she was a baby personnn! She claims she isn't!" I laughed as Trixies mom giggled flipping to another page.

"She says that cause she doesn't wanna admit it, here's one that I miss the most..when Trixie was a toddler she would miss me a lot, so after playing for a while she would come up to the front desk where I was working, and sit on my lap all happy as I continued working..." she pointed to another photos as I felt my heart melt.

"You two always had a strong bond between you then..." I asked as she nodded flipping through the pages more.

"Oh of course, she never wanted to be away from me...and as she got older she knew her space, but still wanted me by her side...when she first came here it hurt me so much that I couldn't be there to comfort her all the time..she was scared and was terrified with all the crying and such from the children's icu...and when I finally managed to spend all my time with her she did not want me to leave...even now she gave me a pouty face as I left for my morning shifts..." she sighed closing the book.

"Wow...I didn't realize how much you've gone through...I feel so sorry for all emotional and mental trauma and such you've dealt with..." I said softly hugging my bear. Trixies mom gave me a sad smile and wrapped her arm around my shoulder holding me close to her.

"Don't be sorry...for the most part it made me stronger gave me a kick in the ass and said 'fight for your child, don't give up'. And that's what I has been hard from the start..and the ending was mostly tough but now...I've ended this journey on such a good note..she's gonna start her own new chapter with you..she doesn't have to feel anymore pain or deal with another surgery...she's free..and happier with you by her side.." she gave me a soft squeeze as I smiled widely.

"And I'm gonna make her happy...take her to all the places she's always wanted to go...And what makes it all so much better is..that she's mine.." I sighed happily looking up at Trixies mom as she gave me such a joyful smile.

"Go make my daughter happy...and never leave her side.." I nodded as we got up and headed to Trixies room.

I know now that she's my soulmate, with all the feelings in my stomach and my heart beating faster when I think of her.

She's truly the one..

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