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Katyas pov:
Four months now and I still feel like I've known Trixie since well forever. I feel like everyday the bond we have gets stronger and stronger. My sister tells me to ask her out and make it official but I don't think I'm just ready yet.

The other thing is that my sister actually thinks Trixie is the perfect one for me out of everyone I've dated or liked. She even comes in with a teddy bear for Trixie every time she visits, so far Trixie has four of em and she couldn't be happier.

Today me and Trixie were just killing time and spending time in the cafeteria waiting for the sun to set so we can go outside.

"You know I wish that the food here would be better, then maybe I'll actually eat it" Trixie said as she took a sip of her juice.

"Well what would you recommend? Just more vegetarian Barbra?" I giggled as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Well duh, would love more options for me instead of a sad wilted salad you know" she pointed her for at me as I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess it would be nice for my lettuce to be fresher and not look like it's been through some shit" she laughed and pushed her tray away signaling that she was done, it's one of her off days so course I do everything she can't do at the moment.

"Just shut up and let's head outside ya dork, I wanna see the full moon as well tonight" I dramatically groaned getting up and throwing our trash out smiling as Trixie giggled. Some of my hair got in my face and I was really starting to get annoyed with it at this point, I pulled it back in a ponytail and made sure it looked good before coming back.

I was a tad surprised to see that Trixie was actually talking with a small child when I came back. But I do admit it was very cute to see them both smiling.

"Yeah you like my bear? He's very soft, but I think he should be with you" I watched the little girls face light up as Trixie handed the bear she had with her smiling. The little girl thanked her so many times before she ran off back to her parents.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so good with kids. And I'm surprised it gave it to her" she shrugged as looked over at me still smiling.

"Well who knows what she's going through right now, it's better to see a smile more then a frown. I could've made her whole day or just made a small spark of happiness. I have three more anyways, so it's not that big of a deal" I couldn't help but smile after hearing her say that, I even felt my heart melt a bit at that.

"Damn...and how has no one noticed this before?" She giggled rolled her eyes as I started to push her out on her wheelchair and go outside.

"It just makes me feel good ya know? And she might deserve it better then me who knows, and people have noticed it but I don't want to make it such a huge thing" she said looking up at me. Now I know she's literally perfect.

"Your just a day of sunshine that just keeps on giving, you go through so much yet you still try and make everyone happy no matter what" we came outside and sat at our usual spot, and I saw Trixie blushing at my compliment.

"It's what I do I guess...but the best gift I've ever received is probably you...I mean your the one who really helps me get through the day and everything..." I blushed back and looked down smiling. It's hard not to tell her and my heart is about to burst wanting to get these feelings out.

"I gotta say the same for you trix...I mean yeah I love my other friends and all but...your a true friend to me..I just feel like your more then just a best friend..your something I've never had and I'm glad that I do now..." Trixie gave me an 'aw' face and opened her arms wanting a hug. Of course I gladly hugged her back enjoying her right embrace.

"I also wanted to tell you that you smell really good, just saying" I mumbled as Trixie laughed hugging me more.

"Well I didn't know that you liked my strawberry shampoo and all, I'll remember to use more just for you then" I smiled and pulled back just to give a cheeky smile at her. I felt her pinch my cheeks and I sighed letting her do it.

"It's so hard to pinch your cheeks, you have such a nice chiseled and strong face and that's really not fair" i giggles as she pulled her fingers away and pouted at me.

"Well sorry about it, didn't really ask for this it just kinda happened, I was born this way after all" she pouted more and I could tell from her face that she was a bit jealous.

"It's so nice and perfect while I'm over here all soft and squishy" I lightly poked her cheek a bit and that slowly brought a smile to her face.

"Who says being all cute and soft is a bad thing, it's better then fighting over who is the most muscular in a heavy dyke relationship" we both laughed and it also caused Trixie to flail a bit.

"My god! How do you always come up with shit like that??" I shrugged giggling and looked up at the sky seeing it change into the familiar bright orange.

"I don't know really, it just comes to mind and in the moment. But one things for sure, nothing can replace this moment" I looked over at her smiling as she blushed looking up at the sky.

"Nothing can ever replace this's too precious to forget...and I'm glad I can spend this moment with you..." we looked at each other smiling widely and I looked into her beautiful bright blues.

It's now or never, and I have to tell her soon or she might slip away from my fingers...

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