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Trixies pov:
I sleepily opened my eyes as the sunshine pouring through the curtains hit my face. I didn't even notice I wasn't in my own room until I lifted my head up and looked around. I must've fell asleep on Katyas lap and no one bothered to move me.

I got up and stretched hearing the popping of my bones since I was in one position all night. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I walked back into my room to wash my face a bit, and as I lifted my face up I looked at myself with disgust to see how much of a mess I was. I put my hair down watching my hair flow all the way down to my waist before I started brushing it a bit.

As I brushed my hair more I saw my mom peek into the room smiling.

"Hey sugar bear, need help?" I nodded smiling at her through the mirror as she started to braid my hair.

"Your so good at braiding, it's really not fair that I can't do it as well as you" I giggled as she kissed my cheek.

"Well I've practiced for years with you, such gorgeous hair I really can't control myself" she finished up my braid and I turned around to hug her tightly and enjoy her warm embrace.

"Mom...when am I gonna be normal..." I mumble as we swayed a bit. I heard her sigh as she held me closer to her protectively.

"One day baby...I'm gonna walk into your room happy as can be and tell you that your gonna have a normal life..." I smile at the thought of her excitedly coming into my room and spinning me around saying it.

"It's all I ever want...I hope it comes true..." we stayed in each other's arms for a bit before my mom had to go back to her shift. I quickly changed into clean clothes and made my way back to Katyas room. As I came up to the door I saw a very happy Helena standing in the doorway.

"Someone looks happy, did someone get engaged or somethingggg?" I asked giggling as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I wish, but no Katya finally woke up and I can't wait for her to take her first breath with her new lungs!" She squealed as my face lit up and I peeked over to see a slightly sleepy Katya take a full deep breath. After the doctor checked her and everything we got to see her, and man I couldn't keep my excitement in.

"Baby!! I missed you so muchhh!!" I squealed and flung myself on her hugging her tight. She hugged me back and I was so happy to be back in her arms again.

"You kept your promiseeee! I missed you so much too my beautiful Barbie" I felt her kiss all over my face ass I giggled hugging her more. Soon she pulled away and pressed her forehead against mine.

"I stayed with you the whole time...I wanted to make sure you weren't lonely.." I whispered before I kissed her softly, god I missed her sweet lips.

"Your the best thing that's ever happened to me trix...I cant believe you stayed with me the whole time..." she whispered back straining her green eyes into my blue ones.

"I wasn't the only one to stay with you though.." I smiled looked over at Helena who was still shyly standing near the door.

"Get over here you Bitch I want a hug!" I laughed as Helena rolled her eyes and came over to us hugging Katya tightly.

"Shut it be grateful that I'm here with you, now I can make you laugh as hard as you can again" Katya giggles nodding as they pulled away.

"That's true! Now I can do all my splits and laugh as hard as I want and just all the things I've been waiting to do beforeeee!" She squealed holding her hands up in the air.

"I'm so happy for you baby! I can't wait to see you walk out of here with a big smile on your face..." I said giving her a sad smile.

"Aw Trixie...I really don't wanna leave here without breaks my heart..." she held me close to her as I put my head on her chest lightly pouting.

"I just wanna go home with you and cuddle, but I can't since I'm stuck here forever" I felt her kiss my forehead and tilt my face up to look at her.

"Don't say that trixieeee, you won't be here forever at all. I know that soon you'll be with me...and we can go explore and you can see the world..." I smiled closing my eyes and imagining going everywhere with Katya.

"I wanna go to do many places with you...and I especially wanna kiss under the stars with the moon shining on us...and I even wanna kiss you underwater as the waves roll over many places..." i smiled more as Katya started rubbing my back softly.

"Then that's what we'll do name it and I'll take you there...I just wanna see you happy with me..." I looked up at her and softly kissed her cheek as she smiled.

"I'm always happy with you, I'll just be excited to be outside, feeling the warm sunshine on my skin, the birds chirping and the music from the LA streets...I can imagine it now..." I sighed happily taking Katyas hand and holding it close to me.

"I can imagine it too baby...and at night we'll be in bed cuddling each other and watching really bad tv shows...but that's ok because I'll have you by my side..and I'll be able to wake up next to you and remember that your mine..." I blushed softly as Katya softly nuzzled into my neck a bit. Oh that's all I've ever wanted.

"It sounds so amazing...I know it might be a regular day for you sounds so perfect to me...oh I hope I hope I hope I leave here one day...just to have all of that.." I leaned into Katyas touch more and the rest of the day we stayed by each other's side snuggling.

I'm starting to really have hope, and maybe my dreams will come a reality...

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