The Children [Chapter 20]

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Y/n's POV

A month... a month had passed since my two precious girls were born.

Me and Slender decided to name them Norii and Acisse. The two had taken up my last name, L/n, due to Slender not exactly having one.

Norii had taken a look similar to Slender's, with extremely pale skin and a small fluff of white hair on her head. However, she did have my beautiful e/c eyes that seemed to pass though my family.

Acisse looked more like me, with s/c skin and h/c hair. She had pale blue eyes, which Slender told me what his eye colour when he was human those so many years ago.

Norii had taken a liking to the sky blue stuffed cat that Sally had gotten and Acisse took a liking to Kissa the stuffed red fox.

I smiled softly, rocking Norii back and forth in my arms gently. Robin sat to my left on the green couch holding Acisse and Sally sat to my right with Charlie in her arms as she awed at Norii.

"I love them so much." Jane said from the other vermilion green couch. Clockwork sat on her left and Clockwork nodded in agreement. "They are very adorable." Clockwork said.

Madelyn sat in Eyeless Jack's lap on Clockwork's left and she giggled. Madelyn nuzzled her face into EJ's neck and EJ just stroked Madelyn's long black hair gently.

"I love them too." Madelyn added. Syndrome sat on the arm of the green couch next to Jane as she grinned and said, "We're gonna raise them both right. They'll know how to fight and how to ki-"

Robin cut her off swiftly. "-and how to be a lady. If they want. We'll teach them manners," Robin said, talking louder than Syndrome so you didn't hear what she was about to say.

"You girls are so goofy," I commented with a calm smile.

"So are you!" They all said, my twin baby girls making sounds similar and then giggling.

Sally had an imperishable smile plastered to her small face as she left Norii play with her fingers.

Sally pulled Charlie closer to Norii and Norii squealed with thrill.

I stood up after checking the clock above the flatscreen TV, the clock reading 5:34pm.

I offered Norii to Jane and said, "I need to start dinner." Jane gladly took Norii from my arms and started playing a hand game with her after she sat down.

I smiled and headed to the kitchen, Sally following behind me.

"Can we bake cookies and cupcakes?" Sally asked suddenly as I was grabbing the utensils for making dinner.

I looked to her and offered her a suggestive eyebrow raise. "You should start by getting what we need," I said.

Sally happily fist-pumped the air and started scouring the cabinets looking for cupcake pans, cookie trays, and cooling trays to start with.


Hey guys!

This is basically the end of the story.. I still have two more chapters but they aren't necessary to the storyline. I know there isn't a whole lot of fluff like people want, but I dont really see Slender in that kind of way in a relationship. I feel like he would show is love, but he would be so excruciating cheesy about it.

I hope you guys enjoy this story... I might have an idea for a book two with Norii and Acisse as the main characters. Idk.

I will randomly update this story by editing the chapters. I will be editing the spelling errors and grammar mistakes that are in my story.

Did you enjoy? Do you guys want my last two fluff chapters between Y/n, Sally, Norii, and Acisse?

Have a beautiful day, love you all, XOXO

-Harper_Lillie ❤

632 Words

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