Chapter 11: when will she be back

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"What was I thinking." brave felt the wild wind on her face as she ran away from the deer we had just killed. she ran me ran. why was Declan there at her house in the first place. she voiced her thoughts but kept running.

Brave shook her head and forced her legs to run faster. she could not love him... no she didn't

but now her mother was dead. she had no family at all...not for miles. no longer roaming this earth... the last vampire alive/ well dead.

She shook her was again.

We pulled out her phone and put her earphones in her ear and listened to the song 'pills and potions' by nicki manaj.

She felt tears roll down we face so she ran... he earphones and phone fled her pocket among the shrub of the forest but brave didn't care... she just ran!


Declan lay in his bed with his arms under his head... it had been months since he had seen brave. his life felt empty...

A single year escaped his eyes. He could no longer deny the fact that he loved brave... he loved his princess... he loved a vampire.

He wiped the tear from his eyes but fresh tears fell... he would go to school today. he hadn't been in weeks because he would see the memory of brave everywhere.


Declan walked into school and headed to his locker. no one was staring but he felt like they all new... which was stupid because the not person who new was dead.

He shook his head and kept his eyes on the floor. he had a hood on which covered his bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks... accusing glares were sent his way but he just trudged past them.

It was unusual for him to act like this. he was all happy and smiley... but now without brave he didn't feel like smiling. he felt empty without her. Almost lonely. he had never felt like this before... he had never loved someone so much

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he smashed into something or rather someone.

"Watch it man..."

Declan looked up and saw my mate killer.

Strange name Declan knew but who knows. He shook his head and trudged on past Him.

"Man wtf. really? Go on then ignore me. son of a b*tch."

He shook his head slightly at hai weirdo friend. he didn't like rejection and didn't take it very well... but really who did.


he jumped out of his seat when the bell rang and he basically ran out of school and towards braves house.

"why?" declan shook his head; he didnt understand why she left and he didnt understand how he could be whipped so easily. well thats what he called it anway. he missed her; he missed her touch.

declan shook his head when he reached for the door knob of braves house. he couldnt do this. "i cant.."

... a hiss made him turn around and face the woods...



Brave looked at declan and hissed. he was about to walk into her house which she had previosuly destroyed.


brave tore the couch into little pieces; she ran to the other side of the house and smashed the mirror with a vase... the flower petals littered the ground and the glass flew past her and onto the floor. she grabbed the table and swung it towards the other couch... it landed with a loud thud and the couch craked under the force of the throw.

her eyes were red and bludshot... she was in full rage...

she pulled up the capret and cut it with a stanley knife. she sent a piercing wail into the air and ran out the door and into the woods..

her hair wild and her stance stiff... she ran and ran until she was back at her house... she sat in the tree and waited...

although she didnt know what she was waiting for?

end of flashback

declan turned around and she stiffled a snort


brave stepped around lightly but didnt emerge.

"declan!" brave said in an accusing tone

"where are you? come out of the forest."

declan looked around frantically for any signs of brave but she smirked and gave a hourse laugh. full or hatred and dispite.


she laughed again and cocked her head slightly to th side.

"please. i love you."

she stopped dead in her tracks... she was just about to leave when declan whispered three words that will change her life forever.

"say it again."

"brave... please."

"no the other part." she was shaking with rage because he was toying with her


a single tear escaped her eyes and he took large steps towards her...

she couldnt move...

he wiped the single tear away... took a step back and looked her in the eye

"i love you."


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