Chapter 30

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Bella's POV

I must've fallen asleep after talking to Christina because next thing I know, I'm opening my eyes to see her smiling at me. I smile back and slowly sit up.

"Is everyone downstairs?" I ask, noticing Katherine and Amy aren't in the room.

"Yeah," she nods, "I decided to wait for you though. It's 10 am and I'm starving!"

I laugh a little at her childish voice at the end of her words and I get up. We head downstairs and all my sisters look at me with a grin. They all suddenly rush towards me and envelope me in a hug.

"Need... To... Breathe.." I say gasping for air. They quickly let go and we laugh.

It's a good, warm feeling though. It's nice to feel loved and wanted.

I eat breakfast and I'm starving since I didn't eat dinner last night. 3 waffles later, I go upstairs.

Katherine is sitting on her bed, presumably writing. I walk into the room quietly so I don't disturb her.

She looks up anyways. "Finished eating?" she asks.

"For now," I say with a laugh and she pats her bed. I walk over and sit next to her. She seems to study me for about a minute before speaking.

"We were really worried about you. I know what happened between you and Christina then but still, you shouldn't have left. Where did you go?" she asks.

I let out a small sigh. "I know I shouldn't have but I wasn't really thinking. I went to the park across Malibu, stayed there thinking for a long time. Then I got cold, hungry, and homesick and realized it was time to come back." Katherine listens with full attention as I tell her this.

"Okay," she says then pauses before continuing, "But why'd you go that far? Normally you would just go to our room, maybe to the beach but that's it."

I'm faced with the same question I've been asking myself too. I think for a few moments trying to form my thoughts into words.

"I know you're probably going to think I'm stupid but sometimes I get this feeling that I'm not enough and that this family would be better off without me. What Christina said struck a nerve and I couldn't take it. My insecurities sometimes get the best of me..."

Kath nods in understanding. "Insecurities are the worst. But we need you in this family, you're just as much a part of it as I am. We love you Bella, please don't ever doubt that again," she says and hugs me tight. I hug back and smile a little. I really do love my sisters and family so much.

Later on, after dinner, the seven of us girls are sitting in my room talking. I come up with an idea.

"You know what we haven't done in a while..." I say.

"What?" My sisters chorus.

"Sleeping on the trampoline," I say with a grin. They all start to smile and Dani jumps up.

"Let's do it!" she exclaims.

"Sounds fun!" Amy says.

We each change into our warmest pajamas and grab a whole bunch of blankets, dragging them to the trampoline.

We mess around for a while until Christina says it's time for bed. She really hates staying up late.

We pile onto the trampoline and find spots. My head is against Christina's, my arms are against Lauren's and Katherine's and my feet are right by Amy. Dani has one of her feet on top of me and I can't help but laugh at how weird we are.

I do belong here. This is my family and we stick together through everything, both good and bad. Together forever.

I used to be so terrified of the unknown, now I'm not as much. You see, when you have a family like this, you know you're gonna be okay.

I listen to the night time sounds as I hear my sisters slowly fall asleep.

"I love you all," I whisper just before I fall into a happy and deep sleep.

Love, Fun, and Disasters (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ