Chapter 13

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Bella's POV

Mom made us a delicious dinner with chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and vegetables. We say grace and then dig in. Isabel looks at me with a sad look, we both know this is her last meal here and neither of us are ready to say goodbye.

The time comes though and after we finish dinner Christina comes to us.

"Ready to go?" she asks. Isabel shakes her head fast.

"I'll never be ready."

"Well ready enough then?" Isabel slowly nods.

"Can all you girls come with?" she asks. I look at Christina who looks at me. I nod.

"Sure Isabel," Chrissy says, I give her a smile of thanks. I go upstairs, grabbing Isabel's suitcase and getting all the girls as well. We pile into the car and Isabel rests her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her.

We arrive at the airport and drop her suitcase off while checking Isabel in. At security however, we face an issue.

"If there's just the one minor flying, only one person may accompany her to the gate. The rest of you must wait out here," a man tells us. We look at each other. Isabel tears up and hugs each of my sisters one at a time. They give her a huge hug back.

"Once her plane leaves I expect you to come straight back here," Christina tells me. Obviously I'm the one who will go with Isabel. I nod and promise. I then take Isabel through security and she waves at everyone before they're out of sight.

We sit down by her gate and tears fall down her cheeks.

"I don't want to say goodbye," she whispers. I hold back my own tears.

"This isn't goodbye. I'm forever and always gonna be here for you. I always have my phone and you can call or text any time. And one day we will see each other again, I promise," I say with a firm voice to reassure her.

She smiles and gives me a big hug. I return it.

"Want me to buy you a snack for the flight?" I ask.

"Yeah thanks!" We walk to a store and I buy her some chips and a flavoured water. Just then the boarding call for her flight is issued.

Isabel clings to me, refusing to let go. I sit down in the chairs and sit her next to me.

"I'm always here for you sweetie. Don't ever forget that," I say and pull her into a long hug. We finally release and she gets in line, I stand beside her. The lady checks her ticket and then lets her on. We have one final hug before she disappears onto the plane.

I refuse to let myself cry as I wait in the chairs. I want to make sure her plane gets up in the air before I leave. 20 minutes later it steers towards the runway and then goes up into the clouds.

I get up and walk back to the front of the airport in a daze. I see Katherine is waiting on a bench and I go to her. She stands up.

"The others are waiting in the car," she says and I nod and follow her. I can see the concern on her face but I'm not going to lie and reassure her that I'm fine.

We reach the car and I get in the back, sitting down next to Lisa. Katherine gets in the passenger seat. I rest my head on the window and I don't say a word. None of my sisters say anything either and we drive back home in silence.

Christina pulls into the driveway and I open the door and walk out and into the house. Joey comes running to me.

"Is Isabel gone?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm afraid she is," I manage to tell him. He gets a sad look on his face and walks away. I walk upstairs and shower then put on pajamas. I can see my sisters looking at me worried but I don't care.

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