Chapter 6

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Bella's POV

The instant we land I turn my phone off flight mode to see if I have any calls or texts from Isabel's mom. Nothing. I sigh and walk with everyone else to the van.

I'm just barely holding myself together. I keep asking what if questions. What if she doesn't make it? What if she's hurt even worse than what I saw?

But I think the worst part is that someone did that to her and then just left her in a corner of a subway station. What kind of person does that to a child?!

Everyone but Dad who's driving is asleep but me. It's 2 am California time and yes, I'm thoroughly exhausted but I can't sleep.

We finally pull up at home and I wake up my siblings. Everyone groggily walks in and up the stairs, going straight to bed. Joey won't wake up though, so I pick him up in my arms and carry him up to his room. Dad shoots me an appreciative glance.

I get to my room and see that Amy, Katherine, and Christina are fast asleep in their beds. I go up to my bed and go on my phone. I won't sleep until I get news.

Close to two hours later my phone lights up and it's an incoming call. I jump off my bunk and run to the washroom. I close the door and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Bella? This is Isabel's mom."

"Hi! Thank you so much for calling."

"I should be the one thanking you for saving my little girl. She's out of surgery and is doing well. They say someone took her, raped her and broke her leg," her mom says starting to cry. I'm to shocked to cry.

"Oh my god," is all I can say. I take a few deep breaths.

"Sweetie are you okay?" she asks me sounding concerned.

"I'm fine. Thanks for telling me. Tell Isabel she can call me tomorrow if she'd like."

"Thanks, she'd like that. By the way, did you just wake up? You sound tired."

"I was flying then got back to my home in California about 3 hours ago. It's 5 am now but I refused to sleep until I heard news," I tell her honestly.

"Oh sweetie, go get some sleep. You deserve it."

"Okay well goodnight."

"Goodnight," she says and we hang up.

I walk back to my room, throw my phone up onto my bed and then throw back the covers on the bottom bunk and crawl in. I cuddle up close to Christina and that's when the tears start to fall.

I feel her wrap an arm around me and I guess I must've woken her up.

"Go back to sleep," she whispers.

"You mean go to sleep," I say. She opens her eyes fast.

"Have you not slept?!"

"Not at all since last night and that was 4 hours of sleep. I just got off the phone with Isabel's mom. I had to be up to hear the news."

Christina pulls me into a hug. "What did she say?"

"Isabel's out of surgery and doing well but... not only was she taken and had her leg broken but the blood wasn't just from her leg," I say and start to cry. Christina understands what I mean and tears fall down her cheeks to.

"What kind of person does that to a kid?" I cry. Christina doesn't have the answer so she holds me tight.

My tears subside after a while and I finally let myself succumb to my exhaustion.

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