Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

I wake up to our alarm clock going off and I let out a huge groan. Katherine pulls a pillow over her head and Christina gets up with only one eye open. Bella seems to have slept right through the alarm.

I get up too and Katherine follows. She looks really tired, maybe she didn't sleep too well.

"Bella?" Christina says. No response, yep she's definitely still asleep. We decide to let her be as we shower and get dressed. Lisa, Lauren and Dani walk in and they see Bella still asleep.

I see Dani as she exchanges a look with Christina, Lisa, and I. Oh boy, poor Bella. Christina and I grab an arm while Lisa and Dani grab a leg and we pick her up. Then we swing her.

She wakes up suddenly and screams. We accidentally drop her and my sisters and I laugh while Bella glares at us shocked.

"I can't believe you guys did that," she says trying to be serious but then starts to laugh. She then quickly takes a shower and gets ready.

Our last day in New York City goes by quickly. We go to the Empire State Building and finish the day with a bit more shopping in Times Square. It's definitely a bittersweet day.

As we're shopping, something horrible happens. A group of girls come up to me and whisper just loud enough for me to hear.

"Look how short that girl is, she looks like she's 12," one girl laughs. I see my sisters get angry but they say nothing yet.

"Yeah I'm short but I'm 19," I tell them in a strong voice.

"Must suck to be an ugly midget," the same girl says and her and all her friends laugh. I will myself not to cry. Someone walks up to that girl. I realize it's Bella.

"If you don't shut up and leave right now, I will personally kick your ass to the curb," she says.

"Ooh I'm so scared," the girl says in a mocking voice. Not a second later Bella slaps her. The girl's friends run as fast as they can.

"You say one more thing and I promise you'll regret it," Bella threatens and we all know she isn't lying. The girl looks scared and mumbles an apology while running in the opposite direction. Wow.

The seven of us stand there in shock for a minute then Dani breaks the silence, "Woah what just happened?"

"You didn't have to do that Bella," I say although I am grateful.

"Yeah I did. Nobody and I mean nobody hurts my sisters without going through me. What that girl said was mean and untrue and I refused to let her get away with it," Bella tells me, I give her a smile and she returns it.

"Oh and sorry for the language," she adds looking at Christina.

"Don't worry about it this time, you had reason," my oldest sister says.

We continue shopping until Mom texts Christina to head back to the hotel. Our flight leaves at 1 am so we have to be at the airport by 11. It's 9 now so that gives us enough time to go back to the hotel, change and then head to the airport.

Lauren's POV

We're heading down into the subway station when Bella pulls me aside.

"Do you hear that crying?" she asks me. I listen and hear a faint cry.

"Yeah I do."

"Let's go find where it's coming from," she says and I agree.

"Guys stay right here, Lauren and I will be right back," Bella says and she drags me off before the others can protest or ask where we're going.

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