Chapter 19

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Christina's POV

I am heartbroken. I can't believe what Bella's mom tried to do and what Bella had to deal with. I'm glad my sisters were there for her but I wish I was too.

Belle and I are so close, anything that hurts her, hurts me almost just as much.

She lays in my lap for a while thinking and I brush her hair back with my hand.

"Can I be alone for a while?" she asks.

"Of course," I tell her. She sits up and I walk to the door.

"If you need me, just ask," I say and then exit the room, shutting the door behind me. I walk downstairs and see that the others are back from the beach. I tell Katherine and Amy that Bella wants to have some alone time in the room and not to go in there.

Katherine instantly understands that Bella just needs time to think but Amy doesn't know what happened so she just shrugs.

Katherine decides to bake banana muffins and my sisters and I decide to help.

"I'll be right back," Lauren says and goes upstairs. I grab a bowl and the bananas.

Lauren's POV

All my sisters, except Bella, and I are going to bake banana muffins. I do love muffins so this should be fun. I have to go to the bathroom first though so I excuse myself and run upstairs.

The bathroom door is closed but maybe someone just closed it after them. I try the handle and it opens. I swing the door open but what I see makes me gasp.

Bella quickly looks up at me and starts to panic.

"Shut the door!!" she tells me and I do as she says.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I walked in to see Bella slicing her hip with a blade. I can't ever unsee this even though I desperately want to.

"I thought you stopped," is what I manage to say.

"I did. Not anymore I guess," she says looking down.

"Why?" I ask.

"Kath and Lisa were there for part of it and I told Christina earlier but," she tells me and lowers her voice to a whisper, "My mom tried to kill herself last night. I stopped her."

Oh my god. This can't be true, can it? I then see the look in my slightly older sister's eyes and instantly I know she's telling the truth.

I give her a huge hug. "I am so sorry."

"It's okay Laur but thanks. Just... don't tell anyone about this. Please..." she pleads with me.

"I should really tell Christina though. I hate keeping things from the others," I tell her honestly.

"Christina would be so hurt by it. Katherine would go into super protective mode, Lisa would get really sad, Amy would constantly look at me with sad eyes, and Dani wouldn't be able to keep it secret. I can't handle any of that Laur," she says.

"Okay..." I sigh, "I'll keep quiet as long as you promise me you'll come to me before you go to do this again."

"Deal," she says and hugs me. I hug back and whisper, "I love you Belle."

"I love you too Laur," she whispers back and eventually we emerge from the bathroom and head downstairs.

The muffins are already in the oven it appears. Everyone turns to look at Bella and I.

"Oh so that's where you went Lauren," Amy says.

"Yeah we thought you'd died or something," Dani jokes. I'm entirely certain it's not funny to Bella though.

"Shut up," Bella half whispers, half speaks.

"What?" Dani asks.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Bella screams. Dani runs upstairs and Amy runs after her, followed by Lisa. I want to see if my Spice is okay but I am also concerned about Bella.

As I was turned to face the stairs, Bella must've ran too because I see out of the corner of my eye, she grabs her skateboard.

"Bella, don't go!" Christina yells about to run towards her when Katherine holds her back.

"Let her go, she needs some time alone to think," Kath says and Christina sighs knowing her younger sister is right.

I sit on the couch, and wait to hear Bella leave the house but I don't hear the door open and shut.

Suddenly a voice comes out of nowhere. "Laur, come with." I recognize the voice belongs to Bella and I get up.

Christina and Katherine stare at me.

"I know what her mom tried last night," I mouth to them, "I'll make sure she's okay. Don't worry. We'll be back later." They look at me shocked and then nod.

I grab my longboard and head out the door after Bella. She sets her board down and skates off down the street, I follow.

We don't say a word as we skateboard but it isn't an awkward silence, it's comfortable. My thoughts drift to how Dani's doing and I make a mental note to talk to her when we get home.

Love, Fun, and Disasters (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें