Chapter 12- Does He Mean Harry?

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So I changed the name of this story to A Lost Direction because it was the most popular name that was chosen. I hope you like it and tell me what you think of the new front cover for this story.


I ran off stage as fast as I could without looking back. Well shit I had done it now. I can't do it anymore. I just don't understand why I'm getting so worked up about performing. It's something I do all the time but this time, I just couldn't get the words out.

There were startled faces of the people back stage and I felt a few hands grab at my back trying to stop me from leaving but I was moving too fast. I heard voices calling my name. Liam, Niall and Zayn's voices louder than the rest.

'LOUIS!!!!!' I heard them scream. 'COME BACK!!!'.

I saw a door start ahead of me and I ran towards it and flung it open. It lead to the back of the arena and without pausing I sprinted out and slammed the door behind me.

I breathed in a breath of fresh air and paused in my head long run. Where was I going to go? Defiantly not going back inside. Mr Wendell will be out for blood and I'm probably going to be his first victim.

I slid down the wall onto the ground where I hugged my knees to my chest.

I miss Harry so much I feel like I'm falling apart at the seems. I mean I'm close to the other boys as well,we're all like family but there was just something about Harry and the two of us were closer than the others. All that Larry Stylinson stuff isn't true, I am not gay, but I do love him like a brother.

I heard the door opened quietly but I didn't look up. I felt the person, who ever it was, sink down beside me. Who ever it was wrapped their arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I guess I'm not going to get yelled at. I hugged the person back just as hard. I just needed to hug someone.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw some locks of blonde hair and knew I was hugging Niall.

I heard the door open again and felt two sets of arms wrap around me on top of Niall's. I guess you don't have to be a genus to work out who they were.

'Thanks you guys, I really needed that hug' I said when they all pulled away.

Niall moved to sit beside me and Liam and Zayn sat in front of us so we formed a sort of square.

'You aren't angry at me are you?' I asked them.

Niall and Zayn shook their heads while Liam said 'No we're not'.

I rested my head against Niall's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

'Do you want to talk about it Louis?' Liam asked.

'Nope not really. I just lost it. I'm sorry.'

'Its ok, we understand. We miss him as well' Zayn said.

'Its just not the same without him' I exclaimed. 'Its like something's missing. Like a missing piece of the jigsaw.'

'I just think its insulting to Harry's memory to just pretend like nothing has happened.'

'But theres nothing we can we do. Mr Wendell will have our heads if we tell the fans that Harry's..... no with us anymore' Niall said.

'I don't trust him' Zayn said.

'Neither do I. I think he's hiding something. And I mean we know nothing about him. What he did before? Where he's from?' Liam said.

'I hate him. He threatened to kill you guys if I didn't cooperate with him' I told them.

'What!!' they exclaimed.

'He actually said that?' Liam asked, shocked.

'Yeah, what do you think he's going to do after what happened on stage?' I asked them.

'I have no idea but we'll just have to be careful' Liam said.

'We have to do something, tell someone!' Niall exclaimed.

'But we have no evidence. We'll wait and see if gets worse then we'll tell someone' Zayn said.

'Lets go someplace' Niall said getting up.

'I raised my head. 'Where are we gonna go?'

'Anywhere, let's just get away from here' he said.

I stood up and so did Liam and Zayn. We followed Niall down the alley towards the street.

Liam and Niall started talking as we walked and Zayn was checking his phone. I think I was the only one who heard the voices from behind a door on our right.

'You guys go ahead, I just forgot to grab something I told them.

'Alright we'll meet you at the end of the street' Liam said and the three of them continued to walk.

I turned around and tip toed over to the door where I had heard the voices and pressed my ear against the door.

'....I had thought that it would work and knock some sence into him and he would cooperate but he just ran off stage like a chicken.' I heard a voice that sounded familier and I recognised it as Mr Wendell's.

'But what about the boy, the curly haired one. Is he still locked up?' another male voice asked.

'Ash don't be stupid. Of course he is. Do you think I'm stupid enough to let him wonder out by himself? He could ruin everything!' Mr Wendell said.

What does he mean by 'the curly haired one'? Does he mean Harry? That's not possible!!! Harry's dead. I took a step back and accidentally trod on a piece of metal that made a loud clang.

'What was that?' Mr Wendell said.

I stood frozen, too scared to move as I heard the door knob turn.

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