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Beau looks up when Matt clears his throat, putting down the fork she had been using to push her food around with so she can pay him her full attention. "Sorry. Did you say something?"

He shakes his head, reaching across the table and holding her hand. "Aren't you hungry? You've been off in your own world, pushing the food around, for a few minutes now. What's up?"

She sighs, sending him a wry smile and sitting back in her chair. "I don't know - I'm just feeling a little... off? I'm not sure exactly, I just hope I'm not getting that stomach bug again. That would ruin the end of a pretty perfect vacation, for sure."

He frowns, squeezing her hand. "Do you want to go and lie down? I can sort all of this out."

She shrugs, "I don't know what I want to do, to be honest. But, okay, if you're sure."

He nods, getting up while still holding her hand and helping her up even though she doesn't need the aid. He leans down, kissing her lips before motioning for her to go. "I'll join you when I'm done."

She pads towards the doorway, hesitating before turning around again. "I'm sorry about dinner, I know you spent a lot of time on it. It was nice though, I promise."

He smiles, shaking his head. "Don't worry, we can do this again when you're feeling better. I'm not offended, you can't help getting sick now and again."

She nods before turning back around and continuing on to her destination.


She snuggles back when she feels the bed dip and Matt lie down behind her, his arm coming over her waist and resting carefully against her stomach. She heard him join her in the bedroom a few minutes ago but he decided to change before joining her so they can both be comfortable. She hums as he briefly moves his hand to brush her hair away from her neck before going back to rest on her waist as he settles, brushing his lips over her neck and occasionally kissing the skin softly as he nuzzles his face closer.

"Do you need anything?"

She shakes her head, placing her hand over his on her stomach as she closes her eyes. "I can feel you worrying - I'll be okay. Just going to have to take it easy tomorrow and then we'll be going home the next day."

He grumbles, nipping her neck in retaliation for the slight teasing she managed to slip into her response. "You're my girlfriend, it's my job to worry about you."

She hums, her free hand moving to reach back and play with his hair, Matt nuzzling closer in response. They lie quietly together, Beau resting while running her fingers through Matt's hair and massaging his scalp as he lies with her. She can tell that he's still worried about her but is holding back on commenting for now, knowing that she's an adult and can deal with it on her own without him hovering all the time. She's thankful that he's like that since it would probably drive her mental and make her feel worse if her boyfriend was always hovering when she's not feeling 100%.

She falls asleep after a while, the calm atmosphere between herself and Matt as well as the sound of the sea coming in from the open balcony door lulling her to sleep. From what she could tell before she succumbed to unconsciousness, Matt didn't seem far off of joining her.

Stuck In Your Head  |  Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now