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Beau rolls over, squinting at the bedside table as she hears her phone vibrating against the top, feeling groggy and sluggish after her nap. According to the alarm clock, it's been at least an hour and a half since she got off the phone with Matt, him reassuring her that it's fine that their call was cut short before wishing her well and going off to do whatever he has to do.

She reaches out, barely getting the device into her grasp before it reaches the edge of the table. A glance at the lit up screen tells her that Kat is sending her a Facetime request. The phone stops ringing in her grasp but she doesn't even get the chance to consider putting it down or, even better, turning it off before it starts up again. She presses accept and lets it drop onto the bed so Kat will only be able to see her ceiling while Beau can see the screen perfectly.

"Beau!" The redhead's excited smile dims when the call connects properly and doesn't show her friend. "You took forever to answer and we were kind of hoping to see your face."

"We're missing our workout buddy," Alisha states as Kat leans her phone against something so that Beau can see all the girls gathered around.

Beau is the only girlfriend/wife that didn't leave with the cast so she's not surprised that they've been texting her a lot so she doesn't miss anything going on in Toronto. She should have expected calls and Facetime requests to be part of that.

Beau whines into her pillow to muffle the noise before turning over onto her back and sitting back against the headboard, picking up her phone and angling it so that they can see her a bit. "Since when do you have time to miss me?"

Beau suppresses a wince at how tired and rough her voice sounds, her throat aching slightly from when she was ill earlier and also from disuse over the course of the day since her phone call with Matt. Sarah raises an eyebrow, looking up from her phone and squinting suspiciously at her through the screen.

"I can barely see you, it's so dark." Em comments, nudging Kat as she turns to the younger actress. "Didn't you turn your brightness up properly?"

Beau gives them a strained smile, glancing over at the window where her curtains are drawn so she could nap. "I was taking a nap so the curtains are still closed."

The girls converse about whatever they haven't had the chance to tell her about yet as Beau gets up, opening the curtain and moving downstairs, deciding to go outside for some fresh air. She props her phone up on the outside table as she slouches down in one of the chairs, running her fingers through her hair.

"Hey," Shelby's voice cuts one of the others off, catching Beau's attention since it was obviously directed at her. "Are you okay? You look really tired, and kind of pale actually."

Beau closes her eyes, nodding her head, but opens them again as they stay quiet and sees Sarah giving her that dubious look again. "It's just a stomach bug - don't worry so much about it." She starts shaking her head when she sees Shelby, Sarah and Em look to each other. "Don't even go there, you three. It's not like that."

Kat turns to Sarah with a curious look, having not seen them exchanging any looks while Beau had. Sarah decides to state it simply for the younger woman, probably wanting to get the explanation over with so she can go back to giving Beau that look again.

"She's slept with Matt a few times by now - don't ask how I know that because I'm not telling you - so we all thought of pregnancy when she said that she's sick."

"Oh," Kat mumbles, turning back to Beau and shrugging. "Would it really be that bad if it was like that?"

Beau huffs in amusement while shaking her head,"No, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but it's really not like that. If either of us thought it was even remotely a possibility then Matt would probably have been booking a flight back as soon as possible."

They nod because they all know that it's true, before letting the subject go for now and Beau goes back to listening to the others conversing about anything and everything. She rubs her stomach as she starts to feel the same rolling sensation from earlier, her medication obviously having worn off. She gets up, bringing her phone with her and takes some more medication, all without the girls noticing as they're lost in their gossip again.

Stuck In Your Head  |  Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now