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The group decided that watching movies would keep her awake and help her adjust to the time zone quicker, which it kind of did but that had more to do with her and Matt playing silly games to pass time but keep her mind active.

After a while, which is probably more like a couple of hours since Beau hasn't really been paying much attention to the films, when she looks around she sees that the others are basically asleep. She gets some blankets and covers them before motioning for Matt to follow her upstairs so they can talk at normal volume without waking the others.

"How come you blushed so much from the innuendo earlier?" Beau asks at random when they've settled on her bed, each sitting cross-legged with a pillow in their lap.

Matt shrugs, "The same reason I'm so good at playing the blushing-virgin Alec Lightwood." He replies, ducking his head down again. "When I was growing up, my parents always taught us that sex and intimacy was something you did with someone special to you. They never really endorsed sleeping around or doing it just because, and part of me agrees with them. It means so much more when it's with someone you love, but innuendos are sometimes really blunt and make me embarrassed to hear it described in such ways."

Beau nods, "I get it. Some of them are horrible so I can definitely see why you wouldn't like them. Rio just does it to make people laugh, he doesn't mean anything malicious by it."

Matt looks up and meets her gaze. "I know."

They drift from topic to topic before Beau brings up another weighty topic. "Did you mean it? When you kissed me at the airport before I left."

Matt shuffles, avoiding her gaze once again before nodding. "Yeah, I meant it. I care about you, so much after so little time that it's unbelievable, but I do. I meant it but I understand if it didn't mean as much to you."

Beau moves the pillow in her lap to the side, crawling up the bed to be closer to him. "Well, it felt like the moment happened so fast that I didn't really get to process it enough to have a reaction." She smiles when she sees him turn his head slightly and look at her, apprehension obvious in his eyes. "So maybe you could try again..." She trails off, biting her lip as she shuffles closer. "So I can process it this time because I know it's going to happen."

He reaches out, cupping her face in one hand and leans closer, licking his lips and his eyes catching on her movement as she unconsciously replicates the action. Beau can tell that he's still not sure if she's serious but that he does seem to want to kiss her again.

"It's just us, and I need to know if you meant it, Matty." She reaches up, placing her hand over his, watching as his eyes flick from her own to her lips a couple of times before he nods slightly.

He closes the remaining distance and Beau can't help the way her eyes flutter shut as his lips touch hers for what feels like the first time all over again. It's a simple kiss, nothing heated, but it's all the confirmation she needed.

She rests her forehead against his, opening her eyes and watching her own hand come up and cup his jaw, her eyes closing again as she closes the distance between their lips this time, feeling him respond straight away.

"You mean it too?" Matt whispers as they separate, feeling her nod. "Please say it, I need to hear it."

She smiles, kissing him once more. "I care about you too."

He smiles, pulling her to him and rearranging them so that she is laying down and he is leaning down to kiss her. They keep it mellow since its late and this is the first time they're really admitting their feelings - neither want to rush into anything.

Beau lays her head on his shoulder as Matt lays on his back when they settle to finally sleep; it's only 11pm but they've both had exhausting days - emotionally and physically.

Stuck In Your Head  |  Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now